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Shortcuts - key and mouse

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:16 pm
by arfa
just updated the sheet ... -sheet.pdf

As a new user/fan of AS I have been mostly giving time to learning what I can (and can't) do with the program. I have the "Official Guide" and have d'loaded a few tutorials (am on dial-up so this is tedious) and, of course, meandered through the forums.

So, one area that attracts me is shortcuts.
My thought is to extend the basic help page - there are many good ones not include here.

But, I wonder if such a thing has already been done. Is there an existing collation of all the key press, right left clickings somewhere about?

I have had a look through "Tips & Techniques" but couldn't see anything.

I enjoy developing tools - as much as I enjoy using them - so let me know where this is at.

thx - arfa

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:50 pm
by funksmaname
in the program, go to 'help' and in the appendix there is a list of shortcuts.

while you're there, do ALL the tutorials! :)

just a few

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:07 pm
by arfa
There seem to me to be a lot of shortcuts that the program help file doesn't have. My thought was to add to, rewrite this file. I just didn't want to do the work if it had already been done.

Overall, as a beginner, i found the basic tutorials very useful. Sure, there could be more but... not me.

> arfa

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:34 pm
by Blighty
This .pdf file is for an earlier version, but I think that all the shortcut keys still work for Anime Studio.


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:58 pm
by synthsin75
Yeah, I don't think anyone has made a full shortcut list. One that includes things like Ctrl+F5 to reload scripts, or Ctrl+P for a quick preview render.

full list

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:55 pm
by arfa
The first thing I am finding as I poke about is that many of my assumed 'missing' shortcuts appear in the bottom status on clicking each tool button.

My overall intention is to learn these and become familiar with their application. A cheat sheat will appear in due course.

The PDF is a good ref. - thanks Blighty.

>> Ctrl+F5 to reload scripts, or Ctrl+P for a quick preview render.
I didn't know these. Thanks.

Are there others that are not documented or perhaps a bit obscurely presented, not obvious?

Let me know and I will try and put it together.

have a good one - arfa

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:01 pm
by Antonin_K
synthsin75 wrote:Yeah, I don't think anyone has made a full shortcut list. One that includes things like Ctrl+F5 to reload scripts, or Ctrl+P for a quick preview render.

I agree.. Simple F5 for generating preview animation for example.

on and beyond

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:37 pm
by arfa
F5 I have - thx

As I put the bits together the thought occurs to extend the tools list with "Others". The icon + a brief explanation of each.

Being new to the program I haven't delved too deeply into what is available. I have downloaded a few and set up some of fa_*.lua Great extras.

Is this opening a too huge can of worms? Are there so many extra tools that this would be too complex? Or, are there a dozen or so that all you 'pros' are using?

Putting this sheet together is a great way for me to learn.

cheers - arfe

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:11 pm
by synthsin75
Well everyone who adds extra tools puts in their own shortcuts in the tool list, so I wouldn't worry about them if I were you.

I'd just try to get the standard tools.

First release...

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:56 pm
by arfa
Here is my result so far:


I had the thought it might all fit on one sheet but, clearly not. So there is a good bunch of space left.
Two possibilities:
> include the 'Other' tool list as earlier suggested
> add the menu commands.
With this second, I wonder if someone has a PDF or some such of the 'Official Guide' and could cut/paste me the data from the appendix there and save a good bunch of typing.

Any comments, suggestions, additions, critique, typos would be appreciated.

>> synthsin75
My thought was mainly to provide a ready-reference to some of the primary, most used, 'other' tools. There is a resource page. As a newb that is great but it would be good to have some informed reference to get started in on all what is available. Those with experience could put forward their 10 top faves and an averaged list of say 20 could be collated. I am happy giving this a bit of time each day - i learn as I work/test and perhaps produce something useful.

feed back plz


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:07 pm
by synthsin75
Wow, that's a really nice looking cheat sheet! I didn't realize you were doing the individual tool modifier keys. In that case, I'd say that doing Fazek's tools would be a good start, as these are usually where people get started with add-on tools.

If you want all of the menu command shortcuts, you can look in the 'Strings' file in you AS folder. Just open it with a text editor like Notepad.

Very nice work. Best cheat sheet I've seen. Keep up the good work. :D

p.s Here's that link: ... -sheet.pdf
You just forgot the 'http://' at the beginning.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:32 pm
by gyula
very nice shortcut list arfa, thanks

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:33 am
by Antonin_K
Thx for the shortcutlist, Big upps!!

Antonin K.

SmithsMicro should do proper one like this

slight update

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:31 pm
by arfa
I have added the menu shortcuts.
Thanks for the lead on *.strings synthsin75 - yep - but, as there weren't that many it ended up easier just typing them in. Helps with my learning as well :) also good to get some familiarity with some code stuff.

So, a minimal upgrade here.

I *would* like to add 'other' tools but really don't feel confident/familiar enough with any of them to put forward a list.
Farek's list is indeed probably a good place to start - and that is where I am starting my own investigation - but, until I get a bit more sense of usefulness I will save myself the work.

Eg. the fa_polygon.lua seems to be already incorporated.

The thing about a cheat sheet is that by the time you have a clear sense of what it all is and what is really useful you have no real need/interest in such a thing. The 'other' list would best be built, at least guided, by such persons.

the link again: ... -sheet.pdf

off to shovel snow - arfa

ps - what am I missing with the BBcode?
open tag - close - got the http:// - inserted with the button ..... duh??

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:50 pm
by synthsin75 ... -sheet.pdf

You had an extra space at the end. :wink:

Yeah, don't need/use it, but there are always new people looking for a good cheat sheet. As long as this link is good, we can point them here, or share our own copy.

Once again, very nicely done.