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Post by Danimal »

To be fair, it took an ETERNITY to import images I exported from Flash. Several times it even crashed the program. The only way I could was to import them to AI, re-export them, THEN import them to AS.

The long and short of it: just use AS to draw. It's a bit of a learning curve but the drawing tools are simply out of this workd once you get to know them. Read back... you'll see I HATED this program at first!
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Post by jahnocli »

I'm sorry, but I can't let this pass. The AS drawing tools are not "simply out of this world". They suck. What you are describing is the marvellous facility human beings have of adapting to difficult environments. I love AS, but at no time would I think of praising its drawing tools, which I think are clunky and clumsy. They ARE tailored for animation -- but that is a different question -- I think.

Just my opinion.
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Post by heyvern »

'm sorry, but I can't let this pass. The AS drawing tools are not "simply out of this world". They suck.
... and I can't let this pass. I think the drawing tools are "out of this world". It is the AI tools I don't like anymore. They frustrate me and slow me down.

You really need to try Fazek's replacement tools for AS. They blow the standard tools out of the water.

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Post by mkelley »


Where do I find these replacement tools? (Sorry -- I'm really still just learning). And are they documented at all (the most frustrating thing about AS is lack of documentation, but I'm getting most of it by experimentation)?
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Post by jahnocli »

Heyvern wrote:You really need to try Fazek's replacement tools for AS. They blow the standard tools out of the water.
I find your attitude puzzling. I've tried Fazek's tools -- and I've repeatedly tried the standard AS set -- until I'm blue in the face. Do you think my antipathy is some sort of ignorance that you can cure? I think I'm allowed my opinion -- and I don't see why, whenever I express it, that you have to jump down my throat...
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Post by slowtiger »

First, I don't think that it always should need a set of "specialized" tools - a program should be useable with the initial toolset.

Second, I don't think that AS' tools should be named "drawing tools" at all. They are, as in every vector program, construction tools. As such they fulfil their purpose, and I've got used to them enough to feel comfortable now.

If I need drawing tools, I use drawing tools: pen and paper, or a bitmap-based software.
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Post by Danimal »

jahnocli wrote:They ARE tailored for animation -- but that is a different question -- I think.
I can't imagine what else I would use tools in an animation software package for... :?:
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Post by jahnocli »

Ha ha -- well, duh! -- but that wasn't what the original question was about!
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Post by Danimal »

This is true. I had originally used Flash to draw but was having difficulty importing them into AS. I despised AS's tools because they were so unlike Flash. I also was missing a few shortcuts that made it frustrating to try and draw the way I was accustomed to (not cheking the AutoFill and AutoClose boxes, for instance). With a better understanding of the tools and their use, I now sing their praises.

You may not like them and never use them, and that's fine. Not everyone works the same way. If we did, what a dull world this would be :)
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Post by heyvern »

jahnocli wrote:The AS drawing tools are not "simply out of this world". They suck. What you are describing is the marvellous facility human beings have of adapting to difficult environments.
If YOU can't adapt to the tools... don't blame the tool. I want to point out BOTH SIDES of the issue for any new user who reads only YOUR opinion and might think that is all there is.

I am puzzled by your attitude as well. If the tools suck so much stop using AS. I honestly DO love the drawing tools. I can FLY in this program and draw anything. I love it. Other people do as well. We all know not all AS users agree on the tools. But having different opinions from different people is a good thing. Those who might be struggling can see that is possible to learn the drawing tools and use them effectively.

Through out this whole discussion I have expressed my opinion but I also tested out some AI importing to help out and define some of the issues. I may not like to import AI files into AS but if others want to I can't stop them, only suggest ways to improve the process or find a better solution.

The DRAWING tools are not nearly as bad as you imply. YES! DRAWING TOOLS! For a long time "drawing" in applications has included new definitions for "drawing". I don't think holding an object and pushing it along a path is the ONLY definition of "drawing".


By the way here is the link to the thread in the scripting forum for Fazek's tools someone asked for:


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Post by mkelley »

Thanks, Vern, for the link (I was afraid you might forget in heat of the other messages :>).

I never want to get into a "tool" fight -- it's like an OS fight, and those are about as vicious as they come. For some reason folks get attached to a certain way of doing something, and something that doesn't work that way challenges them in a way that brings out the worst in people.

I don't know why, myself -- to me the fact that AS allows you to bring in (easily) AI files kind of makes moot the point of whether I like the drawing tools in AS or not. If I like them, I'll use them -- if not, I'll do my construction elsewhere. Indeed, I would actually *want* them to be different -- what would be the point if they duplicated exactly the way AI worked? I already have that program -- seems better to offer a different way of working in the chance that it might be better for some (which it obviously is).

Anyway, I'll duck and run because I don't want to get blasted here -- I have no vested interest in AS tools because I don't use them (yet -- I'm going to try this script and see if it makes them easier for me to use).
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