Bad quality when I export project

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Bad quality when I export project

Post by kami1lek89 »

Hi, I have problem.
First I want sorry for my english ;)
I used AS 10.1 and I create project with spherical panorama and when I export animation to .avi or .jpg file my export file is bad quality...
I never had like this. I don't know why...

Sperical panorama render in AS before export:

Export file (CTRL+E and output format JPEG frame start frame 1, end frame 2)
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

Looks like a compression artifact problem. JPEG is a poor format to export finals with because it's a lossy format. I don't know what the quality setting for ASP's JPEG output is but it seems to be hardcoded.

I recommend using PNG instead. PNG is compressed too but because it's a lossless format, there is no artifacting. The filesize of PNG frames is reasonably small too.

I wouldn't bother exporting .avi from ASP because (unless I'm mistaken) it doesn't allow you to define codec, settings, etc. It's better to output frames and then convert the data to video in a video editing package. Plus, rendering to frames gives you a lot more flexibility.


Edit: Looks like I am mistaken. See correction below.
Last edited by Greenlaw on Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

Oops! I need to retract part of the above.

I had assumed you couldn't change codec settings in ASP because there's no direct command for it, but I just tried it out and, during the export process, a window does pop up that allows you to set a codec and adjust settings.

I still recommend outputting frames but if you prefer to output to a video format, you should choose a lossless codec or uncompressed video, unless maybe you're going directly to YouTube or a portable device.

For lossless, I like Lagarith. It's a free codec and once installed, it appears in almost any program that outputs .avi. The catch with Lagarith is that it's incredibly processor's meant more for archival usage and not for realtime playback, so it's really not practical for full HD playback and editing. What I like to do is render all my editorial footage to full res Lagarith, and then batch process the footage to half-res h264 into a proxy folder. VirtualDub works great for this--once you have a Process settings file setup, processing many clips can be very fast--it might take just a minute or two. (If anybody is interested, I can make a tutorial video about my workflow in the near future.)

Once I have the full res and proxy videos in separate folders (Full and Proxy), I copy the proxies to a folder called Edit. When I'm ready to edit the clips in my video editor (I use Vegas but any video editor will do,) I reference all my videos from the Edit folder. Because I'm using low res proxies, the playback is always smooth and interactive. When I'm ready to output my final video, I copy the Lagarith version of the clips to the Edit folder, overwriting the proxies. (Remember, the original proxy files are still available from the Proxy folder.) Since the filenames are identical, the video editor should now automatically reference the high res videos, ready for final rendering.

Sorry, that's probably way more info than you were asking for but once I get started... :)


P.S., somebody will probably want to mention that Vegas can generate proxy videos internally. This is true but it doesn't do it automatically so you'll need to regenerate the proxies every time you update your animation, which can get messy and time consuming on larger projects. In my experience, the method described above is quicker and more reliable.
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by kami1lek89 »

I have spherical panorama image.


When I added this image to AS and export to jpg, png, bmp, mp4 or avi, everything is OK. My output file is good quality.
But when I used "spherical panorama" script on this image and export some frames to image format (bmp, jpg, png) or movie format (avi, mp4, uncompressed) my output file is bad quality :(

I know, avi and jpeg is poor formats but uncompressed frames and bad quality? Something is wrong. It always worked...

Recently I format Windows and it may be the reason... I dont know :cry:
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

Okay, I think I see what you mean.

My next thought is the resolution of the source image. What's resolution of the panorama? If it's too low, ASP might not be able to sample it well enough to hold the detail when it's stretched around to fit a large sphere. Depending on your output resolution and how close to the image you want to get, the image may need to be several thousands of pixels wide. If the pic you posted above is the actual size of the image map then, yeah, 640 is way too low to use as a spherical map.

Also, you might want to check the quality options for the image under the Layer Settings > Image tab. Try playing with the three options at the bottom. Nearest Neighbor should be off or the image may look blocky when stretched. I'm not sure what the other two option do exactly but they might be worth trying out.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

But when I look at your image way at the top of this thread, it does look much higher res. Now I'm not so sure. :(

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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by synthsin75 »

I think the spherical panorama script just applies the image as a texture to an actual 3D sphere, so maybe there's a limitation based on the polygon count of that sphere.
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by kami1lek89 »

Resolution my spherical panorama is 5000x2500, project resolution is 480p widescreen (852x480).
With other panorama is always the same.

I check other two option in Image Tab and again, bad quality, image/video is blurred.

When I press ctrl+R ---> Save as... ---> JPEG, my output image is good quality.
When I press ctrl+E and export to JPEG, image is bad quality...
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

Wow, if it's rendering differently between those two commands, that kinda sounds like a bug then.

Is it the same when you output to png? Otherwise, it still sounds like a JPEG compression issue to me--although if that's the case, I'm not sure why it's defaulting to a low quality setting.

FWIW, I"m getting good renders when using the batch processor and saving to PNG. I don't normally use Export to render animations but I'll check on that here. I'll also check what happens when I save JPEG between the different options. Let you know what I find here.

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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by kami1lek89 »

Yes, when I check output to png is the same like before.
I used Batch Export and export to png, avi etc. and I still have bad quality image/movie.
Only when I using a script "spherical panorama" my output file is bad quality, is blurred.
When I export this image without script my image is fine.
I give up :(
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by slowtiger »

Just did a quick test in 9.5 and can confirm it's not the spherical script causing bad export quality. I used an image 5732 × 1280 in a 1920 x 1080 project and it came out just fine in Quicktime.
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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

I downloaded this image: Sony Center, imported it to ASP and ran the script. Then I Exported a 10 frame JPG sequence of the camera panning. The panorama is not high res enough for HD 720p, so I rendered it at SD 480. I can confirm, there's something wrong here when rendering to JPEG--the image quality does look pretty bad. It's soft and pixelated like it's not being sampled properly. When I tried rendering the same image to PNG, same result--very soft and pixelated. BTW, it's not the saving process at fault--you can actually see it rendering at noticeably lower quality when using the Export Animation command.

But if I render the same scene using Ctrl-R, it looks fine--nearly as sharp as the original panorama image without the spherical mapping.

I'm guessing this is a bug but I want to spend a few more minutes on this before saying that.

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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by kami1lek89 »

Listen, when I used spherical panorama script, my panorama image in AS is invisible and my output file is bad quality.

But when I check panorama image in AS and export project my output file is fine.

I was watching tutorial and panorama image is always invisible in AS and it work. But not for me.
Why it happens? How to fix it?

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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by Greenlaw »

Wow! Yeah, I broke something in this test scene. Now I can't get the sharper image with Ctrl-R that I was getting before. My Ctrl-R is now looking as bad as the Exported JPEGs. If I hadn't saved the sharper render from earlier for comparison, I'd say I was going crazy.

Still not sure what's causing this problem. I'll look at this issue again later.

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Re: Bad quality when I export project

Post by kami1lek89 »

I had the same with ctrl+R. Render quality was like output quality - blurred :(
Poor AS :(
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