How would I make an Undertale battle?

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How would I make an Undertale battle?

Post by Retronaut »

I want to make an Undertale-style battle animation, and have experimented with moving the SOUL in Moho Pro 12. But, the movements are unnatural, and don't really resemble the motion from the game. The closest analog I can give is this animation.

How can I improve the movement to make it resemble the original game more?
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Re: How would I make an Undertale battle?

Post by Greenlaw »

I think you need to post an example of the animation your unhappy with. We can't make suggestions for something we haven't seen.

Also, I'm not sure which part of the original game animation you're referencing. There's actually not very much 'animation' in it at all.

Some question: Is you're interest in replicating the game animation or in creating an animated interpretation inspired by the game?

I'm guessing you wish to preserve the 8-bit look but with more sophisticated animation? That are a lot ways to go with this, and it depends on how true you want to stay to 8-bit gaming limitations vs. how open you are to 'breaking the rules'.
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