ASP 11.1 now available

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ASP 11.1 now available

Post by ThatsNotAllFolks »

I just updated to version ASP11.1 I still need to read whats new about it. Twas a very quick and easy upgrade. Just saying :D
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by ernpchan »

I'm new to the ASP updating process.

Does it download the updater or automatically do an install? And does it install a new version or overwrite the existing?

And is launching the program the only way to know if there's an update? Is there a newsletter, email blast, etc? I'm not to the point yet where I am always using the program.
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by ThatsNotAllFolks »

I only knew about the update from the pop up when you open ASP. I don't think it overwrites much of is pretty quick. I think there is about 2 things to click including the install and computer did not need a restart, no serial numbers needed etc.
seren animation
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by seren animation »

Where does anime studio pro download the update to? If you want to update on other machines but not have to download it again?
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by strider2000 »

If you get the popup I'd strongly suggest immediately agreeing to the update. I chose to wait, because I wanted to get some look into some recent article points about strokes and as a result a window popped up saying I was not running in demo mode, (yeah right) but the days had expired. I tried to enter the serial number ... again ... and it won't let me. Now I can't run ASP 11 at all. I have an email in with Tech Support, but since I cannot chat or call a number to resolve the issue, it looks like I won't be doing any Animation work this weekend (which is when I have time to do it :( )

Just sharing to hopefully help someone else from hitting the same problem I had :(

(For those that care I have tried deactivating all, since I cannot get it to come up at all, and it's not running on another computer.)
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by Greenlaw »

The other day, I noticed that I had somehow lost one of my three activations too, which is weird since I had only ever run ASP on two computers. I was trying to install on a third computer to test something when I got the message that I had exceeded my limit.

According the the dialog that popped up, to get back my lost activation, I need to have all actications deactivated and reset. The message reads like I should be able to do that myself via the website but the website said I need to contact support.

Guess I'll deal with that after the weekend too. :P

(Just want to confirm: the rule is three activations per license isn't it?)
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by neeters_guy »

strider2000 wrote:If you get the popup I'd strongly suggest immediately agreeing to the update. I chose to wait, because I wanted to get some look into some recent article points about strokes and as a result a window popped up saying I was not running in demo mode, (yeah right) but the days had expired. I tried to enter the serial number ... again ... and it won't let me. Now I can't run ASP 11 at all. I have an email in with Tech Support, but since I cannot chat or call a number to resolve the issue, it looks like I won't be doing any Animation work this weekend (which is when I have time to do it :( )

Just sharing to hopefully help someone else from hitting the same problem I had :(

(For those that care I have tried deactivating all, since I cannot get it to come up at all, and it's not running on another computer.)
I don't have "Automatically check for updates" enabled, so I don't get the popup. Anybody know if there's a link to the update? I prefer to manually update, just in case I need to rollback. Also, I'm concerned about losing I need deactivate before updating or some other recommended procedure?

I once launched the app where there was no internet connection and I got the "you have 7 days to activate" message. Later when I launched with internet access, no message. So does ASP perform a server check periodically and if so, how often? :?:
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by Greenlaw »

The auto-update seems to overwrite the installation of 11.0 without affecting activation. (I did an auto-update the other day; my 'lost' activation revealed itself on a different computer but I don't think that was related to the 11.1 auto-update on my regular computer.)

I would prefer to have an installer too. You can probably download the program update the normal way from the website, although I'm not sure the link has been updated to 11.1 yet.

seren animation
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by seren animation »

It downloads it to here:


But it deletes it after installation, so copy it to a safe place, after it downloads, but before installation.
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by Tradley »

I selected "Check For Updates..." in the Help menu and the 11.1 software update window appeared.
Here are the release notes:

New Features in Anime Studio® Pro 11.1

•Added an option to the Magnet tool to only affect selected points. To go with this, you can also use the ctrl/cmd key with the Magnet tool to select points.
•Allow the user to drop an .animeexport file onto the Batch Export window.
•Keyboard shortcuts editor now has an "Action filter" field where you can type characters of the name of the action you are looking for in the list and filter the list to show actions with the text you enter.
•User content creation now creates Media Preset folders based on the plugins supported for the product/platform. Users can just add a preset XML file to the folder to add presets to their application.
•Notes are now added to a Bill of Materials report with a gathered document to specify that listed fonts and brushes are used by the gathered document, but not gathered with other media.
•The Bill of Materials document now also lists other Anime documents with layers referenced by the gathered document. Media used by reference layers is gathered, but not the Anime document containing the referenced layer.
•We now allow menu item shortcuts without requiring the cmd/ctrl key. At least one modifier (shift, alt, cmd/ctrl) is required though. Shortcuts without a cmd/ctrl modifier are more limited. If a text field is active for editing key presses will be handled by the text editor and not processed as a shortcut. This is necessary to allow text input of characters requiring shift and/or alt modifiers to type.
•Added "General Import..." item to the Import submenu of the File menu. This allows you to select any kind of file we support and import it.
•Added the Quality control to the Batch Exporter.
•Default changed to PNG (not JPEG) when selecting to the 'Image Sequence' format for output.
•Added option to display both the active child as well as the selected layer (if they're not the same layer) in a switch group.
•By default the application uses the localization set in your Language & Region settings of your System Preferences. You can now override this and manually select a locale in the General setting tab of Anime's Preferences. There is an option to use the system default or you can choose a specific available locale. Note, this will only impact text that comes from the application. System dialogs and text that is displayed through third party components will continue to display according to the locale in your system settings or English if the localized strings are not available in the selected locale.
•Added YouTube 1080p to the project settings list.
•Document tabs now support a contextual menu when right-clicking on the tab.
•Onion skin settings are now remembered when a document is saved and restored when it is loaded.
•You can now override StylePreview.anme in Custom App Resources.
•You can override factory tool icons by placing a png image at the same subpath in Custom App Resources as the original lives in the factory resources folder.
•Layer bounding box calculation now includes bones if present. The Transform Layer tool also takes into account the children of groups when displaying a bounding box.
•Layers with an empty bounds are no longer factored in when aligning layers with the Transform Layer tool alignment options.
•If you click in the layers palette to toggle the visibility of an item, as long as the mouse button remains down when you drag over other layers their visibility will be set to the same visibility as the clicked layer.
•There is a new preference setting available under Layers and Objects: Enable note layer scaling. When selected note layers will scale along with other content.
•ESC key now dismisses menus.
•Clicking on popup after menu is displayed now properly dismisses menu.
•Right click on application icon in the dock now shows recent documents. Select one to open it. (Mac Only)
•Thumbnails created for exported styles documents that contain more than 8 styles will now include a number indicating how many styles were exported when the file was created.
•"Allow Frame Skipping" and "Enable Bone Dynamics" settings are now peristent across launches.
•In Export Animation, added ability to set the format and preset drop downs based on the media format that is saved in the user settings.
•The Transform Layer tool now has an Align popup on the toolbar. If multiple layers are selected you can choose from several options for aligning the selected layers relative to each other.
•Document tabs now display a pencil image to the right of the document name if the document has unsaved changes.
•Added new File menu item Show In Finder/Show In Explorer. When selected it reveals the source project file for the active document in the Finder (Mac) or Explorer (Win).
•You can now select "None" from the Swatches popup in the Style window to display no swatch palette. This setting is persistent until a swatch is selected from the popup.
•Updated Tutorial and Users Manual.
•Added the new Animated Layer Ordering tutorial (5.5.1) to both Pro and Debut.

Improvements in Anime Studio® Pro 11.1

•Improved behavior of Window menu and Docking menu items for dockable windows.
•Fixed crash saving brush multiple times.
•Allow preview render window to resize vertically (min height = 100).
•The missing media dialog wasn't properly reporting Windows-formatted paths on Mac. It now is.
•Character Wizard now loads new format files (Anime Studio 11 format).
•When you edit the name of a style and hit enter, it no longer changes which style is selected.
•Much improved support for high dpi Windows displays.
•Improved handling if you try to add a folder to the Library without entering in a name for the folder.
•Moving several layers at once and then undoing could cause layers to disappear. This is now fixed.
•Rescale animation now moves document markers.
•Right click on switch now shows current layer when switch is inside a mask group.
•Preferences on disk are updated immediately when changing the custom content folder location.
•The styles popup menu now supports more then 99 styles.
•When applying the paint bucket to an existing stroke, it adds a fill instead of modifying the existing stroke.
•Added Character Wizard item to the Window menu. Reorderd/group some items on the menu. Grouped Audio Recording, Character Wizard, and Library separate from a number of items with windows corresponding to layers.
•Fixed an issue when syncing a referenced bone layer, unclean bone channels were being discarded if the bone count didn't match with the source layer. (Pro Only)
•Fixed a problem where the layer palette would not immediately update if an external referenced layer was out of date.
•Animated scatter brush effect now preserves the timing of all points in an object.
•Added View menu command "Return To Mainline". There is no default shortcut, but you can add your own if desired. (Pro Only)
•Fixed Render crash related to layer colorization.
•Fixed a bug where user content presets were not being loaded in the Command-line Renderer, Batch Exporter, or separate UI Exporter.
•Freehand curves no longer get unwanted sharp corners when drawing on frames other than zero.
•Fixed a problem seaching for Styles documents in library.
•Fixed some Problems handling Custom App Resources.
•Fixed Crash when editing keyboard shortcut in filtered list containing duplicate shortcuts.
•Fixed a Windows bug with the Batch Export window where it would crash if one of the preset files was unreadable. (Win Only)
•Copy/paste colors and other shape properties improved if multiple shapes are selected.
•The Windows desktop shortcuts now have a major version in Name.
•Fixed Problems restoring tracing image state when switching tabs or number of views.
•Also addressed problem restoring Stereo state when changing number of views.
•When you use the Transform Layer tool on multiple selected layers, don't transform a layer if its parent is also selected. Otherwise, that layer effectively gets double-transformed.
•When a style references a brush that was not found the Style window will show the message "Missing brush" instead of "No Brush". Additionally, the Brush selection control now shows a tooltip with the name of the selected brush, even if the brush was not found.
•Fixed a bug where if you were selecting a brush for a style and clicked Cancel in the brush dialog, the brush changes would get applied to the style anyway. Only affected styles, not shapes.
•Color brushes had white fringes where their alphas blend together. This is fixed.
•Some vector layers were incorrectly identified as "non-moving" for GPU optimization purposes, and get redrawn incorrectly.
•Secondary selection is now cleared and set to the original state when undoing.
•Double-clicks were not handled in layers list under some conditions. Fixed.
•A GPU crash can occur with certain layer configurations when scaled down to zero. Fixed.
•Tool Layout preferences - auto-updating of tools list checkbox is now disabled until you have declared a custom content folder (as required by the feature.
•Bone Reset menu commands now work in switch layers.
•Cut/copied points now remember the bone they are bound to.
•Reduced width required for Transform Points, Select Bone, and Transform Bone tool options.
•Improved Independent bone angle combined with flip.
•Improved pressure sensitivity for some drawing tablets.
•Disabled "flicks" and other tablet features on Windows that interfere with users drawing.
•Pinch zoom was backwards on Surface Pro.
•Multiple improvements to clean up the preview display of pen/brush size on the canvas.
•Fixed point binding issue. Point binding only updates for external references, not for references within the same document.
•Hiding points or bones no longer breaks connection between a reference layer and the original.
•When updating a referenced character layer binding didn't update. Fixed.
•When updating a referenced character layer names didn't update. Layer names are now updated, but only for external references. The thinking is that, for a reference within the same document, a layer might be referenced for masking purposes or for duplicating an object. In that case, you might want separate layer names (Left Eye/Right Eye or Body Outline/Body Fill). However, for external references, you're bringing in a complete object or character. So if you change the name of some layer inside that character (from Eye to Left Eye, for example), you'd want that change to appear where the character has been referenced.
•Fixed some referencing issues: Gave the animator a way to find lost referenced files, and when the source document does not contain the original layer, disconnect it from the reference layer.
•Undoing inside an action no longer leaves keyframes in references.
•Fixed a crash when right-clicking a channel icon in a referenced layer, if that channel doesn't contain any subchannels.
•References inside of referenced group layers can result in an infinite sequence of references. Now, when you reference the layer inside the FBF layer, that won't appear in the second FBF layer.
•Fixed issue where inserting an action in a reference layer marks all channels as unclean, whether they were part of the action or not.
•Fixed issue where References were increasing the file size.
•Fixed issue when Referencing an empty vector layer crashes when all channels are being shown in the timeline.
•When duplicating a FBF frame, if the FBF layer is referenced somewhere else, don't include the duplicate vectors.
•Referencing an FBF layer, and then putting that reference inside the original lead to an infinite loop. Now if you try to make a reference layer a child of the original, that will cause the reference to not update any longer.
•Clear animation function no longer breaks the time line reference to the original layer.
•In the Batch Export window, you now Open and Save Export Profiles from the Windows file menu, not from the drop down in the window.
•Clear Menu in the Open Recent Profiles menu is now working in the Batch Exporter.
•Open Recent Profile is now in the Batch Exporter. This replaces the Export Profile dropdown in the window.
•In the Batch Export window, you can now open or drop multiple .animeexport profiles.
•Fixed a bug where if the user chooses 'Make New Configuration' in the Render Options dialog and there is no user content folder, put the state back to the Application Defaults.
•In Batch Export, fixed a bug when clicking the add files button a second time didn't work.
•Fixed an issue where the Quit menu had the wrong shortcut in the Batch Exporter.
•Fixed a Batch Export bug where if you export a document with a layer comp and than try and load another document with a layer comp, the 'Render layer comp' check box is never re-enabled.
•In Export Animation and Batch Export, the Quality dropdown is only enabled for presets that support it.
•Fixed a bug in the Batch Export window. If the user cancels a save or open of an export profile, the export profile dropdown was not being reset to its initial state.
•Fixed a bug in the Batch Exporter where the Project path was not being set correctly.
•Fixed a bug in the Batch Exporter where the application would crash on Render.
•Fixed selecting export profiles from the drop down.
•Fixed a couple format/preset bugs in the Batch Export dialog. Presets can not be selected unless they are the first in the list.
•Fixed a Batch Export bug where setting the export format to Flash would not disable certain render options.
•When no item is selected in the Batch Export list, show some default text for the project path.
•In the Batch Export window, added opening and saving of a profile to the main menu. They now have key strokes to make the easier to user. Open Recent Exports is also in the menu, but is not wired up yet. This functionality may replace the current drop down implementation as it will simplify the main window.
•In the Batch Export window, removed the Save Export Profile button as that is now part of the Export Profiles dropdown.
•In Export Animation and Batch Export, fixed a bug where if you change the export preset where there is a fixed dimension, the "Render dimensions" checkbox is not disabled or re-enabled when you leave.
•Export Configurations work with Export Animation Dialog and Batch Exporter.
•Having the format set to Legacy QuickTime prevents the batch exporter to launch after switching to 64 bit mode. Now if switching to 64-bit and QuickTime not supported, the format will revert to MP4.
•Added an option for Lua scripts when importing an Anime file: import as a copy, import by reference, or ask the user.
•Fixed an issue where hidden presets could not be rendered from the command-line renderer.
•LM.GUI.SaveFile now works on Mac via Lua scripting.
•Exposed a few new functions to Lua.
•Fixed crash if lua script calls LM_GUI.SaveFile with null caption.
•Updated Lua scripting interfaces.
•When importing FBX, Unity tries to be smart and combine textures with the same name, even if they're from totally separate, unrelated FBX files. (You can disable this in Unity, but it's not obvious how, and you have to do it each time.) Added code to make texture names unique to prevent this.
Who says Moho is worse than Adobe Flash?!
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by strider2000 »

Tech support was very helpful in fixing my activation, but I did have to wait normal working hours. Don't like that part.
neeters_guy wrote:I once launched the app where there was no internet connection and I got the "you have 7 days to activate" message.
Apparently something happened in the update process, a hiccup or something across the net. TS said that can happen. I guess in some cases it can correct itself, but in mine it couldn't, so Tech Support had to reset.
neeters_guy wrote:do I need deactivate before updating or some other recommended procedure?
I don't think you need to unless you're moving to a new computer or changing your computer name. I don't know where a update download is.
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by KimsCreativeHub »

Ive lost ALL MY ACTIVATIONS and I'm reading here that an update can do that! I LOVE ANIME, but this activation stuff IS unacceptable, I send a plea for help to support... I am not happy :(
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by Lebostein »

Which languages are included?
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by Lebostein »

1.) Are there other languages in AS 11 included? Or english only? And if english only, it is planned to add other languages like all versions before?
2.) What means "Internet connection required for periodic product activation service"?
3.) Why it not runs with Windows XP? I have heard it is a normal Win 32 application.
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Re: ASP 11.1 now available

Post by Lebostein »

Why this thread is not moved to the Announcements?

If I look in the Announcements forum I see the "Anime Studio 10.1.3 Update Available" is the last announced version...
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