Any profit from Jobs here?

Want to hire an Moho animator? Post your job listing here.

Moderators: Víctor Paredes, Belgarath, slowtiger

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Any profit from Jobs here?

Post by dm »

I was wondering if anyone has actually profited from jobs listed here? Employees or Employers.

Seems most of them are low budget or otherwise constrained. It would appear that the main value of this board is so people can be informed of the reality of production costs. But, perhaps that's not necessary? If the people posting jobs here don't know any better, or can't afford it, then this is a good place to pitch their idea and hope someone can help fulfill those dreams.

I must say that when I'm looking for people to work on a project, I wouldn't post anything here. I have contacted a couple of people directly, but my experience with production isn't to post a 'help wanted' ad and hope. I source from The Animation Guild, and from a pool of people I know (or their referrals). I guess some people get bigger jobs through Variety and the likes. I get work the same way. And through my agent. But, I am in 'Hollywood', so it's centered here, and easy to deal with.

Just curious if this board is anything more than entertainment.
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Re: Any profit from Jobs here?

Post by slowtiger »

I can honestly say that I got 3 paid jobs through this section of the forum in all these years (6!), and some 3 more projects where lots of emails where exchanged but nothing came out of it. (And of the 3 jobs 1 did pay only half of what was agreed for.) This doesn't sound like a good quota, but is within the range of normal business contacts. As a rule of thumb, for each successfully signed contract you send out at least 10 proposals without result, and for each talk about some project you have to collect at least 10 business cards.

If I had to search for talent, I'd directly contact people whose style and skills I know. This forum connects professionals as well as amateurs and complete beginners, so there's always a risk when working with somebdy I don't know.

Having something to show is essential. Get your own webspace and a tastefully designed homepage. Get a good showreel. At least have your own professional vimeo account. Team up with other artists so you can offer a full service.

(Oh, btw, I just teamed up with some others. See
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