Worthless trivia or information of use to someone....????

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Worthless trivia or information of use to someone....????

Post by Toontoonz »

I was furthering my excursion into learning the drawing tools of Moho and came across this that was not in the Tutorial book.
The maximum one can change the line width to is 64.

Worthless trivia or information of use to someone....???? :D
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Rai López
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Post by Rai López »

You easily can change this in the Line Width Tool script searchind the value of 64 and changing it for (i.e.) 128, I did it and there is no problem for me, you can put more than 128, yes... but would be weird that you reallyneed it... CIAO!
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Post by Toontoonz »

Why when one draws with the graphic pen (Freehand options>use pressure pen) the largest line width one can have is 32, but if one draws with the mouse and changes the width value in the Style section one can draw to a width of 64?

Can that be changed in the "Line Width Tool script searchind" that you described?
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Post by Rai López »

I've not tried it, cause that is not one of my favourite tools, but now that you say it :idea: , change this in Graphic Pen tool can be so easy like with the other... you can make a backup of your original scripts and try to search and change this parameter with the Notepad to experiment (I know that you like this), this must be simple and, if you can't do it, is sure that neither I could... :roll: And must be work for most experimented scripters that you know...

UPDATE: Search 32, it appears only two times in the script (near one to other) and change'em for 64, 128... IT WORKS! :D WOW!!! 8) I'm now one of the GREAT scripters too... :roll:
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Post by Toontoonz »

Ramón, I knew I could count on you to find a way! :D

Why I would want to change it I have not figured it - because I really don´t like to draw with Moho tools - I am trying to like them, but.... :cry:
Maybe sometime I will need to draw a thicker line.
Too bad one just can´t put a number in somewhere (like other drawing programs) and the line width changes...or when you change the line width one can see what it is (14, 21,32, 44, or 62 or what the heck is it ???) in some window control box.
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Post by Rai López »

HI PAL! :D Hmmm... I believe that we told about this in other ocasion... I tried to add this box in the past but it doesn't works (I don't know why, because that works for me in other cases without any problem), maybe I'll tried again someday, but I've not modify any scritp in a long time and seems that I've forgotten the few things that I knew :( ...Well, like my animation proyect have been a failure :D , emmm... I want to say :cry: ...Maybe I'll have more time now to recover it, CIAO!
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Post by Nichod »

I think one reason you don't like the tools is because you are looking at them from a different view point. In your mind the tools that you are used to drawing with are better. Because well that is what you are used to using. To me I love the drawing tools. I see some room for improvement, especially as far as brushes are concerned. But they are very nice to work with. The only thing other the brushes that might make them better, is a toggle for curve handles to better manipulate the curves of a drawing.

Keep in mind I'm a graduated Illustration major. And I've learned Illustrator, Freehand, etc. And I know how to use them. Though honestly I prefer tools like Expression and Inkscape for my vector work. And occasionally Flash. (excellent drawing tools, poor animation in my opinion) They just are much more artistic in design then the "big" ones to me. My suggestion is step back, ignore all you know, and approach them with fresh eyes.

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Post by 7feet »

I was reading through the posts, and was just about to open up the freehand script when I saw Ramón's post. I kinda figured it was one of those artificial limits. Good goin' there, mate.

I never really did a whole lot of computer illutration, particularly with vector programs. So I think a lot of it is, indeed, acclimation. Moho is just about the only vector tool that I use on a regular basis, and I'm pretty comfortable with the drawing tools. At this point I'm not sure how much of that is because I've hacked 'em for my own use. But not as thoroughly as I'd like. I have reworked the freehand tool so it properly shows you the curve you are drawing according to the settings, as well as drawing temp outline shapes that will show you what pen pressure is doing. That last bit is still a little iffy, it's a bit slow and makes the drawing window flash a good bit while you're drawing, but I find it does help a lot if you are using a tablet. Because it needs to constantly create new shapes, I think it would need to have a bit of code tightening in the core program to be really useful. But it could happen.

I'd been following the brush thread in the "How do I" forum as well. I think it might be perfectly feasable tweak the freehand tool so that you could create vectors that would work like the Expression, etc, brushstrokes. It seems to me to just be a matter of creating additional vectors around the one you are drawing, with appropriate styles and presure sensitivity, all that. I'd like to see the internal tools make most people happy. There's probably always going to be some issue with how vectors from other programs are imported, because the fundamental way that Moho represents them is different from pretty much everything else.

If all goes well with the job I'm working on I shouldn't have to worry about the bills for a few months (whew...) so maybe I can geek out s'more and dig into the scripts. We'll see.
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Post by Toontoonz »

Nichod wrote:To me I love the drawing tools. I see some room for improvement, especially as far as brushes are concerned.
In the near future, I will try to make a post where I detail the situations I have with drawing with Moho compared to other drawing programs.

With that said....could you post some of the drawings you have done of different characters in Moho so I can see the level of detail we are talking about in your drawings? And some samples of the same character(s) in different positions to see how the drawing tools effected the character´s look (maintaining the line, etc).
And, finally, animations of different characters you have drawn in Moho.
(I probably missed it, if you have any animations posted to the Moho forum could you post the links?)

And please post samples of drawings that you have done in Mono using brushes other than the simple solid brush.

Some people say they really like drawing in Moho, but then they are just starting out with learning to draw and all they are drawing is simple shapes. I am looking for pro-level work. I am very eager to see some professional art work done with Moho to prove me wrong.

I find the more I draw with Moho, the more I see it´s many, many shortcomings. (the brushes, the brush effects...)
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Post by Nichod »

I'll post some things up after I move. (Moving Friday) My home computer is down.

What do you label as professional is the short film Cubism professional? Despite it being about the flatulent nature of an office employee?

And you need to see beyond your own mind's limitations on what you think Moho can and cannot do. You are limiting Moho's abilities to simply its drawing tools. Do they need improvement? Sure they could use it. And in time I'm sure they will be. But you can accomplish all the effects you have been ranting about using methods that are as simple, and would give you a greater degree of control. If you hate drawing in Moho so much. Then don't use it. Its just as easy to draw a raster image and animate it in Moho with excellent results.

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Post by Rai López »

Jaja :D , I LOVE Toontoonz because he seems SO exigent like me and he says all that I'd want to say, but in IMPECABLE english :D ...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :wink:
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Post by Nichod »

I would feel better about Toonz's comments if you posted a thread in Feature Requests detailing the enhancements he would like to see in Moho's toolset.

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Post by Toontoonz »

Nichod wrote: And you need to see beyond your own mind's limitations on what you think Moho can and cannot do.
My mind has no limitations.... :roll: :wink: :lol: :D

Regarding the note about professional illustrations , you stated you are a graduated illustration major - I am sure you are very good at drawing. I look forward to seeing your Moho drawings.

And your comment:

But you can accomplish all the effects you have been ranting about using methods that are as simple, and would give you a greater degree of control.
Reply: Could you please show us all those methods?
In the forum regarding brushes
I did not see you add any comments or show us how one can use the brushes in Moho by "using methods that are as simple, and would give you a greater degree of control".

Your comment:
If you hate drawing in Moho so much. Then don't use it. Its just as easy to draw a raster image and animate it in Moho with excellent results.
Reply: It is not.
Vector drawings are much more flexible to use than raster images.
(I look forward to seeing your raster image Moho animations.)

My hope is that Moho will improve its product so that more people can make great animations and Lost Marble can get really rich and someday buy out Macromedia or Adobe. :D Wait - make that just Adobe, they bought Macromedia!
While some accept (and defend) the limitations of Moho, I think Moho can be much, much, much better. Nothing gets changed unless the weaknesses are pointed out. It appears that Moho does not have an artist to test out the features and if it did I believe the current method of drawing would not have been employed.
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Post by Nichod »

But you can accomplish all the effects you have been ranting about using methods that are as simple, and would give you a greater degree of control.
Reply: Could you please show us all those methods?
Be happy too. But please be patient. Right now I'm just babbling until I can access my own computer.

And I did comment in the brush thread on ways of accomplishing the effects without using "brushes" here is a small section:

For now the best alternative I see to getting a nice brush outline effect is via texture mapping. I've been experimenting with using texture maps for texturing my creations and I will say that Moho probally has one of the best morphing systems I've seen for raster images. Its a feature that I don't see used often by Moho users. But its perfect for the "painted" look I am looking for creating. A golden age of disney look, ala Sleeping Beauty, etc.
While some accept (and defend) the limitations of Moho, I think Moho can be much, much, much better. Nothing gets changed unless the weaknesses are pointed out. It appears that Moho does not have an artist to test out the features and if it did I believe the current method of drawing would not have been employed.
Just so you know I'm not defending its limitations, in no post did I say that the tools couldn't be improved. In fact I have so far stated that I'd like to see some improvement in some key areas. I'm just stating that as of now, there are other methods and endless ranting about how Moho isn't like "other" vector drawing applications is so redundant.

And I feel you are just complaining. If you'd like to be constructive I suggest that you add an additional comments and suggestions in relation to the brush system to this: Thread.
So we can compile all the information into one concise thread without all the experiments etc.

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Post by nobudget »

For some pro work check out the gallery, there's some pro level stuff there, for commercials for instance. I never really worked in vector programs like AI, I'm more a bitmapped designer and I believe the AI crowd is the most frustrated with the limited toolset. But I have plenty of experience with Flash, well Moho's drawing tools are a lot better (not in every way but some important ones) and Flash is the industry standard in web animation. Not because of the tools, but the huge user base and creative artists. Moho doesn't have that kind of user base and to be honest, most professionals don't hang out on forums...some but few.

What's my point? Eh...Ok, Moho not perfect but a true artist with some patience can create mindblowing work with this program.
