It's been long enough Smithmicro

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It's been long enough Smithmicro

Post by super8mm »

Why are the creators of AS Smithmicro seem to not be interested in evolving the software? If any program needs a major evolution it's AS. I know they keep the price down by doing that but there should be a point where it's a necessity to streamline the user interface and add significantly improved styling control panel and drawing options. OK it's a good program already for manipulating bones and 3D effects and particals but the rest should be as good. There's nothing news wise to be fund about the release date of ASP v6? I wish it was coming sooner than later and improved greatly.
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Post by F.M. »

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Post by mkelley »

I wish I had a million dollars.
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Post by synthsin75 »

:lol: Oh! Is that what we're doing here?

Mmm, I'd have to go for the default 'world peace'. :wink:

But seriously, Smithmicro has nothing to do with developement. They're just a distributor. Lost Marble is one man, and further developement relies on him alone. *You must believe in Mike Clifton, for it is only through him that ye shall reach the kingdom of Version 6.* :P

Did I say seriously? What I meant was this. I'd be satisfied if scripting access could be opened up further. With enough access, the scripters can make up for a slow developement schedule.

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Post by heyvern »

I emailed Mike Clifton yesterday about this stupid topic (or one of the other 3 just like it) and got a response back in less than an hour. He didn't/couldn't say anything "specific" so Just calm down a little bit and be patient.

AS is not "abandon ware" as a few of you think. I know nothing else so don't ask. Nothing. Nada. I have no info... he didn't tell me anything. I am not going to speculate as many others have done (my "speculations" are merely hopes based on Mikes previous comments and the few email conversations we've had about AS).

All I know is that Mike sent a reply to my email really fast (he wasn't avoiding me. You don't respond right away if it's bad news) and said he would TRY to post something here at some point... when he could.

Many software companies NEVER EVER EVER reveal plans for upcoming versions before they are ready to go. If someone says "Yes, next month" and it it's more than that... people get furious and complain even more. Many times they don't want to "tip their hats" to competitors. If they don't get it out fast enough someone with more bucks and people beats them to the punch. Once again I'm doing what I said I wouldn't do... speculate.

Keep in mind that a new version DID come out with several very wicked cool new features. Remember that efrontier got bought out by Smith Micro and all of that happened very quickly and probably during plans for version 6 (dangit! Speculating again. ;) ).

You only have two choices I can see:

1. Keep using AS as is until a new version is announced... then... get that version and start complaining about the version after that... ;)

2. Stop using AS immediately, buy something else and spend 6 months learning a new application because with out a new version AS sucks rat turds. ;) (add another 6 months to convert your files to the new application).

The choices above are just some over the top tongue in cheek to lighten the mood. ;)


p.s. Good GOD I hope I don't get in trouble with Mike for saying all of this... I'm just sick of the doom and gloom. I know I got annoyed with SM or efrontier some time ago and wrote an angry post so I may sound a bit hypocritical, However, I got annoyed the last time when the new version wasn't ANNOUNCED here FIRST. New purchasers were getting the new version and WE didn't know it existed. THAT pissed me off BIG TIME, but it was a different story.

I have to admit I am a tad annoyed that no one has OFFICIALLY put a stop to these rumors... a tad annoyed... which is what prompted my email to Mike. But there is someone who I won't name (mkelly ;) ) who is making claims that had the appearance of "inside information".

You did clear that up mike, these are YOUR theories based on YOUR experience, but some of your earlier posts sounded as if you knew something from "higher up" which made me nervous. No hard feelings. I know how much you love AS. You may want to be careful what you say if you don't know for certain. And always be clear you are speculating. You almost had me convinced. ;)

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Post by chucky »

I know Santa is real.... :wink:
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Post by funksmaname »

Stop crying and do something productive with what you have.
There are some flaws, yes, but nothing that is stoping you from actually doing something with it...

All that's going to happen when 6 comes out is 'oh yeah this is good BUT WHY DIDNT YOU ADD xxxxxxx!?!?!? WE WANT v7! WE WANT v7!

it never ends. stfu and get on with it.
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Post by Mikdog »

I agree. When version 6 is out, you'll be baying for the blood of 6.1, then 6.2, then 7...until you'll want a button that you press that does all the creative work for you completely.

But, there are things that would be nice to be added. Until then, we make do with an awesome piece of animation software. Updates are like cheese - the more you get, the more you want. Kind of like cheese-crack, though I've never tried crack. Chasing the update-dragon 'n all.

I wonder if its bells and whistles you guys are after or if its serious bugs that need addressing. I'm over the moon since the quicktime render bug for mac was fixed. Happy Happy Happy.
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Post by funksmaname »

mmmmmmm cheeeeeeeese.
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Post by The400th »

Thanks heyvern for getting some clarification, hopefully that will put a stop to these silly rumors.

Although I suspect that the speculation may have been a well-intended attempt to goad Lost Marble into announcing something. Unfortunately, any prospective customers (especially professionals) visiting these forums and seeing doom-and-gloom posts will just be put off AS altogether.

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Post by mkelley »

Sorry, Vern, if any of my posts which were only based on my analysis sounded like "insider info" -- as you say, I love AS as much as the next person and never want to do anything that will harm it.

However... I think the best thing anyone can do (short of Mike himself) for AS is to just say "use the program as it IS!". Trying to figure out if it will be upgraded is just as pointless as trying to figure out what the upgrades will be.

Just like you shouldn't marry someone on the chance you can make them into the person you want, you shouldn't buy software that doesn't do what you want RIGHT NOW. Yep, we all have wish lists, but moaning and complaining about it is a waste of time. That's all I was hoping to forestall -- if there were NEVER another release of AS that wouldn't be a bad thing at all.

(But of course I'd be thrilled if there were).
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Post by heyvern »

mkelley wrote:Sorry, Vern, if any of my posts which were only based on my analysis sounded like "insider info"
I really enjoy your posts and did NOT want to say anything that would make you feel bad. Your theories are not off base considering the situation. You had every right to say what you did. Part of the problem for me was... I might know some other members of the forum who possibly DO have "inside information". My concern was that it sounded like you might be in that group... I was relieved that wasn't the case. ;)
Just like you shouldn't marry someone on the chance you can make them into the person you want, you shouldn't buy software that doesn't do what you want RIGHT NOW.
Have you been talking to my brother? I warned him about his first wife... and Garage Band. ;)

That rule must be why I never found the right woman and got married. Of course if you don't use a program for a while you might never discover those really cool "features" hidden away, like the power of scripting and bone constraints...

... or conversely... hidden "bugs" like SWF export problems, time line issues... uh... secret mental disorders, stalkers, jealous ex boyfriends in the marines, or practicing witches. Please don't ask me to explain that last bit. I'd be here all day. ;)

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Post by blacksunproject »

heyvern wrote:I emailed Mike Clifton yesterday about this stupid topic (or one of the other 3 just like it) and got a response back in less than an hour. He didn't/couldn't say anything "specific" so Just calm down a little bit and be patient.

AS is not "abandon ware" as a few of you think. I know nothing else so don't ask. Nothing. Nada. I have no info... he didn't tell me anything. I am not going to speculate as many others have done (my "speculations" are merely hopes based on Mikes previous comments and the few email conversations we've had about AS).

All I know is that Mike sent a reply to my email really fast (he wasn't avoiding me. You don't respond right away if it's bad news) and said he would TRY to post something here at some point... when he could.

Many software companies NEVER EVER EVER reveal plans for upcoming versions before they are ready to go. If someone says "Yes, next month" and it it's more than that... people get furious and complain even more. Many times they don't want to "tip their hats" to competitors. If they don't get it out fast enough someone with more bucks and people beats them to the punch. Once again I'm doing what I said I wouldn't do... speculate.

Keep in mind that a new version DID come out with several very wicked cool new features. Remember that efrontier got bought out by Smith Micro and all of that happened very quickly and probably during plans for version 6 (dangit! Speculating again. ;) ).

You only have two choices I can see:

1. Keep using AS as is until a new version is announced... then... get that version and start complaining about the version after that... ;)

2. Stop using AS immediately, buy something else and spend 6 months learning a new application because with out a new version AS sucks rat turds. ;) (add another 6 months to convert your files to the new application).

The choices above are just some over the top tongue in cheek to lighten the mood. ;)


p.s. Good GOD I hope I don't get in trouble with Mike for saying all of this... I'm just sick of the doom and gloom. I know I got annoyed with SM or efrontier some time ago and wrote an angry post so I may sound a bit hypocritical, However, I got annoyed the last time when the new version wasn't ANNOUNCED here FIRST. New purchasers were getting the new version and WE didn't know it existed. THAT pissed me off BIG TIME, but it was a different story.

I have to admit I am a tad annoyed that no one has OFFICIALLY put a stop to these rumors... a tad annoyed... which is what prompted my email to Mike. But there is someone who I won't name (mkelly ;) ) who is making claims that had the appearance of "inside information".

You did clear that up mike, these are YOUR theories based on YOUR experience, but some of your earlier posts sounded as if you knew something from "higher up" which made me nervous. No hard feelings. I know how much you love AS. You may want to be careful what you say if you don't know for certain. And always be clear you are speculating. You almost had me convinced. ;)

Vern, you are the sage!
No joke, I mean it.
To the point with a big "reality check".
Great response dude.

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Post by jahnocli »

heyvern wrote:I'm just sick of the doom and gloom
I don't think it's doom and gloom to want to know if AS is part of a development cycle. In the past year ToonBoom has advanced, Flash has advanced -- all I want to know is, if development is continuing. I don't want to know any details, I'm not unhappy with the software, but the silence is deafening...I know enough about software to know that if you stand still long enough, soon you are in all your competitors' rear view mirrors. And AS *does* have competitiors, despite what many users seem to think.
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Post by heyvern »

I'm an eternal optimist. For me the glass is always half full. It's a problem I have. I'm naive and too trusting. I will try to tone it down. ;)

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