Amazing hidden feature: Flexible bone locking

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Amazing hidden feature: Flexible bone locking

Post by wena »

Thank you Salgin,

I have managed to download, now, is there any instructions on how to use it, Please, please.

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Re: Amazing hidden feature: Flexible bone locking

Post by Víctor Paredes »

wena wrote:Thank you Salgin,

I have managed to download, now, is there any instructions on how to use it, Please, please.
You are welcome. You can read instructions on previous posts.
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Awesome, I just got one question...

Post by Tobisama »

Hello, I'm starting to use anime studio and I was watching your techniques
This technique is very very interesting, but I got a doubt: is possible add a cycle to this?? I mean right click, cycle. Because I can't make that in the channel with the locked bones, or maybe the walkcycles are made with a different way without the cycle option for keyframes??
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Re: Awesome, I just got one question...

Post by Víctor Paredes »

Tobisama wrote:This technique is very very interesting, but I got a doubt: is possible add a cycle to this?? I mean right click, cycle. Because I can't make that in the channel with the locked bones, or maybe the walkcycles are made with a different way without the cycle option for keyframes??
Sorry, I didn't see your post before. Sadly I can't get a solution for cycling yet, it seems to be that when you cycle the lock channel it lost the reverse locking "magic".
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Post by funksmaname »

this is GREAT selgin! :) just played for the first time on a rubbish character i made in 2 minutes to understand it - really nice!

I wonder, until someone comes up with a more flexible script, if someone could create a script that simply applies bone locking to a selected bone for the cycle range (starting at the end and working backwards) - that way you could quickly select the range you want, the two feet bones, and run the script to fill the locked bones? it could have an additional 'clear bone locking from layer' button so that you can go back to the raw state and make adjustments quickly?

before locking the bone you can have the walk cycled, (alternatively you could copy a single keyframed cycle to an action and drop instanced of it in sequnce to achieve cycling)

is it just me, or does adding bone locking put keys down for the selected 'bone angle' as well?!? is this a mistake? it means that even when you remove the bone locking keys you're left with keys on every frame in the bone angle channel for all teh leg bones - and clearing those gets rid of your stored walk cycle :S i guess you need to store backups in actions??
please let me know if i'm doing something wrong...
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Post by funksmaname »

Ooh... i think i might have discovered something... (please test and confirm :P)

if you do a single cycle, then copy it to an action, but clear any keyframes from the up/down bone, you can place the action as instances over and over in the main timeline, and control the up down bone independently?

in a way this sort of solves the cycling issue (if it works as i think it does??)



proof of concept (?):

I've done a screencast showing building a basic walk cycle and using this technique to adapt it...
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