Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

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Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by jerv »

I have a character set up with some actions using bitmaps, bones and warp layers. Suddenly, one of the warp layers have completley gone missing from the timeline, and there is nothing that seems to make it appear again!
This is the layer in question.


Everything is set up so it should be visible, but it won't show. This is infuriating and I hope there's a fix for it, but it seems like a bug...
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by Greenlaw »

Without more info and clearer images, I'm going to make some assumptions about what you're trying to do.

From the blue background in the lower image, I can see that we're looking at a Smart Bones Action timeline. Could it be that the 'missing' keyframes for LegWarp are on the Mainline? Double-click on Mainline to check.

If the keyframes are supposed to be inside a Smart Bones Action timeline, maybe they are in another Smart Bones Action?

Hope this helps.
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by jerv »

Greenlaw wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:24 pm Without more info and clearer images, I'm going to make some assumptions about what you're trying to do.

From the blue background in the lower image, I can see that we're looking at a Smart Bones Action timeline. Could it be that the 'missing' keyframes for LegWarp are on the Mainline? Double-click on Mainline to check.

If the keyframes are supposed to be inside a Smart Bones Action timeline, maybe they are in another Smart Bones Action?

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply, and apologies for the unclear images. No keyframes appear in bone actions, actions or mainline.
I attached a video.
I deleted the old legwarp layer and created a new one, and it shows no keyframes for this either. I realized in the video that the stopwatch icon was unchecked for the layer, but enabling it had no effect. It seems no new vector layers will show their keyframes...
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by Greenlaw »

Just curious but what if you disable all the Timeline Visibility channels? Do keyframes appear for each layer that has keyframes when individually selected?

FYI, not that there's anything wrong with enabling Timeline Visibility for every layer but in practice this may become unwieldy to work with during animation. Usually I do not have any Timeline Visibility channels enabled during animation, and at most I may use maybe 2 or 3 temporarily. It's very rare for me to enable Timeline Visibility for several layers let alone all of them. This is because the amount of data can be overwhelming to work with and displaying all of it at once can potentially slow down Moho.

That said, yeah, I'm not sure what might cause the keyframes for a new vector layer to not appear when the layer is selected. The first thing I'd check is make a new project and see if a vector layer works properly in there. If it does, then we know the problem is with the other project file and not Moho.

If the new project also displays problems, then the next thing I'd try is to save a copy of the project, quit Moho, probably reboot the computer, and then check the file. If the project file and the new project file are still misbehaving, then we know the issue is probably with the Moho installation.

Before uninstalling Moho and reinstalling it, I would check for any incompatible third party scripts. If you saved a default copy of your Custom Content folder, switch to that and press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L. This resets the scripts the the default (no third party scripts.) Now try.

If the issue has gone away, then the problem is probably with an incompatible script. By process of elimination, isolate the bad script and remove it.

The next thing to try is to uninstall and re-install Moho. You will not need to deactivate/reactivate Moho for this.

If that fails, try deactivating Moho and then removing the preference data from AppData\Roaming. You'll need to reactivate Moho so be sure to have the SN handy before doing this.

BTW, it's a good idea to create incremental versions of your project as you work on it. I usually save a new version every 20-30 minutes or so, and anytime I feel I've made a significant change. I prefer to do this manually but there are third party scripts out there that will do this for your automatically. A search should turn up one or more of these scripts...I recommend using the one from Synthsin75. Making a habit of this means you'll never lose more than a few minutes of work if a file goes bad. (This is not specifically a Moho thing; I do this for every program I work with, and sooner or later it saves my butt.)

Hope this helps.
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by Daxel »

Look on Edit - Preferences - Timeline - Max selected layers. It's 10 or so by default, so you are probably enabling the visibility of more than 10 timelines and you can't see the rest of them.

If someone at Moho is reading, I think that this default setting is not a good idea. I heard it was introduced to avoid some bug or problem but I have it on 20 and never had any problem. A warning or any kind of information when the user enables more timelines than this setting allows, would be way better at least. As it is, it's almost impossible to realize what is happening.
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by Greenlaw »

Ah, good call Daxel!

Since I rarely have Timeline Visibility enabled for a lot of layers, I totally forgot that we now have the option to limit the total.

I believe this feature was was added in Moho 13.5.5 to prevent performance degradation. As mentioned above, displaying too many layers with a ton of keyframes can slow down Moho. Practically speaking, it shouldn't be necessary to display more than a few layers in the timeline at one time when animating with Moho
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by Daxel »

Greenlaw wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:38 pm
Practically speaking, it shouldn't be necessary to display more than a few layers in the timeline at one time when animating with Moho
My workflow starts with animating the bones, but then I like to take full advantage of how easy it is to use Moho's point interpolation using the magnet tool to animate many of the drawings to give it a more dynamic or frame by frame feel to the shot. After all, sometimes I feel I want to adjust the timing of some thing, and that's when I usually enable the timeline visibility of every animated layer with a single click thanks to AE Key Tools script ( I don't remember having any problem with that so far.
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Re: Layer keyframes have completley dissapeared!

Post by Greenlaw »

Thanks for the tip! I'll check out that script tonight.

I think Layer Comps has the option to save Timeline Visibility settings too. I don't use it that way but I'll check on this could be useful when you need to switch between different configurations during animation. If that's not how this feature works, well, maybe it should be. :D

Update: I just spent a few minutes to check on the Timeline Visibility feature in the Layer Comps window and it's not working the way I expected. It's very likely I'm not using it as intended. Will look into this tonight.
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