Script Suggestion: Select all Bones with animation on them

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Script Suggestion: Select all Bones with animation on them

Post by JoelMayer »

Hi there!

There are a lot of nifty scripts that let you select all layers that are already keyed.

Now, especially when using the graph editor, it would be amazing if we could just select all keyed bones on a keyframe with one click instead of going through them one by one to find the ones that really have some animation on them.

I mean, in general it would be amazing, if we could just opt to adjust a mograph curve for all bones at the same time sort of in a consolidated way but that's another story.

In any case, i just thought i'd throw this suggestion out there ^^
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Re: Script Suggestion: Select all Bones with animation on them

Post by synthsin75 »

Hayasidist wrote a script to select every point/bone keyed on a selected keyframe: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=31612

I wrote a tool to help handle multiple points at once in the motion graph, but I've never extended that to bones: viewtopic.php?t=32570
Points already have point groups, but since bones don't, I'd have to completely rework the script to work with bones. Don't know when/if I'll find the time for that.
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