Timeline improvement request

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Timeline improvement request

Post by mionorz »

Hello. I would like to request some minor improvements to the timeline.

1. jump to marker position menu
It would be useful to have the ability to jump to the position of a marker created in the dropdown.
*It is the same content as this topic

2. when moving to the next/previous key, I would like an option to select whether to cover only the currently selected point/bone or the entire timeline.

3. turn off the dynamics that automatically skips frames when scrubbing the timeline. (Enable when previewing with the playback button).
Currently, I believe about half of the lag that occurs when scrubbing the timeline in the positive direction is due to the dynamics preview process. If you just move the timeline while keeping it stationary, you don't need dynamics preview, but it can prevent disappointing results if you forget to turn it on when previewing.

4. Shortcut and option buttons for showing and hiding bones with set colors displayed on the timeline
Colored bones are useful, but when you have too many of them, they can fill up most of the top of the timeline. It would be easier to show and hide them with the "Tab" key, for example.

It would be convenient if these options could be accessed from the Timeline Options menu.
Please consider this.
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