How do I copy the artwork on a frame and...

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How do I copy the artwork on a frame and...

Post by Nimphaea »

Hello everybody,

Her I am again, with a extremely beginners question... I have tried and tried and I can't figure it out... I'm allmost ashamed to ask this because it sounds so easy... But...

I have drawn a hand on the zero frame... Later on I edited the hand because I wasn't happy with the looks... But when I was happy with it, I saw I had been drawing on the first frame, and not the zero frame... Well, I thought, I grab frame one and hold and release at frame zero... This doesn't work :) . Okay, then I shall copy the vector points on frame 1 and paste it on frame zero (where I first delete the vector points that are already there). But this doesn't work either, because it pastes the same hand as I had first drawn in frame zero, and not the hand frome frame one... What is happening? How can I get my simple hand from frame one into the zero frame? I'm afraid to sound very supid but I can't find the solution... I really need some help...

And then I have another question about frames in the timeline... Sometimes I make frames by mistake and want to delete them... So I select the frame and hit delete, or try the delete button above the timeline... But then sometimes frames don't get deleted... Why is this? How can I delete them?

Thank you very much in advance!
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Rai López
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Re: How do I copy the artwork on a frame and...

Post by Rai López »

Nimphaea wrote:Okay, then I shall copy the vector points on frame 1 and paste it on frame zero (where I first delete the vector points that are already there)
Hummm... A little cofusing about this, I think You must not delete nothing before pasting, try the following:
At frame that you want (1 in this case), select ALL the point keyframes that you want to copy (possibly ALL points related keyframes, I mean, Point Motion, Point Curvature, Line Width, and even Fill Color and Line color keyframes that was created when you drawed in other frame than zero), copy them and meantime they are still selected (this is important) go to frame zero and paste into it, basically that's all and it should works...

Well, another way to do it is goin to the menu entry Animation --> Copy Current Frame... and select the Animation channels that you want to copy at frame that you specify above; then, if you are correctly copied all the keyframes created in other frame than zero, you can select'em and Delete it as any other keyframe, it's a little complicated speciall situation to explain to me, but you must think in points created in other frame that zero as a "different" points which keyframes contains point creation info that you can't delete until you copy that "info" at frame zero... well, really this is a very simple issue that you'll understand better with practice and basically (I hope) answer to your second question, uf... and BTW, sorry for my long & possibly weird english explanations... :P :roll:
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Post by Nimphaea »

Thank you very much for you reply! I managed to succeed in copying the frame by using the "copy current frame" command. Oh, and my English is far from correct either, I believe, though I try to do my best... As long as we understand each other it is okay ;) !!
Thank you once again!
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