Here's some handy scripts

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Post by macton »

* Updated Paste Curve To Points Position script
For an example see this thread:
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Why cannot Download ?

Post by tme2000 »

Why cannot Download ?
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Rai López
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Re: Why cannot Download ?

Post by Rai López »

tme2000 wrote:Why cannot Download ?
No Problem for me... EY, Macton! (HELLO :)) THANKS FOR YOUR SCRIPTS AND SUPPORT! :D By the way... Do you know why I obtain this error...

Code: Select all

cc_load_layer_animation.lua:614:attempt to index local ? 'layer' (a nil value)
...when I treat to load a layer animation with "Only apply to selected layer" option checked in 1.4.1 version? Seems that all other features works perfectly but this one... Well, anyway I'm very HAPPY with this scripts (of course :)) so THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all that you are doing for Moho and comunity! :D *CIAO*
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Why cannot Download ?

Post by tme2000 »


Download all (Updated 17 Jan 06)

Here's a zip file of all the scripts below. ...

Why cannot Download ?
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Post by kasjorg »

UH yeah well those scripts look really handy , but I can´t get any of them to work! I always get that "a nil value" error!! My characters are set up in vector layers under switch layers under bones layers under group layers! - So is it just that the scripts doesn´t work with too complex characters? Ect. when I use the shift layer script it works on some sublayers and not on other??!! Hmmmm :(
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Post by macton »

kasjorg wrote:UH yeah well those scripts look really handy , but I can´t get any of them to work! I always get that "a nil value" error!! My characters are set up in vector layers under switch layers under bones layers under group layers! - So is it just that the scripts doesn´t work with too complex characters? Ect. when I use the shift layer script it works on some sublayers and not on other??!! Hmmmm :(
There´s no particular reason why it shouldn´t work. It´s probaby just a bug. If you want to send me an example moho file (that doesn´t work) I can look into it when I get a moment.

You send me email directly macton [at]
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Open to suggestions

Post by macton »

Hi everyone!

I have been quite busy lately working on my real job ;) so I haven´t been able to do much with these scripts.

However, I may have a spare moment or two available and if you´re using these these scripts and have some suggestions for improving them (or fixing them) please post them here!

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Post by Genete »

Hi all!
Perhaps is a stupid question but, does all those scripts work under moho 5.4 for linux??
I've tried some of them and ones close program, other make nothing and other make nothing and send me a message:
cc_reverse_layer_keyframes.lua:528: attempt to index local 'layer' (a nil value)
Don't know that to do.
Any help?
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Post by kasjorg »

I have a strange problem! I set up my character using simple bone and vector layers - arms and legs on bone layers under the main bone layer. The shift keyframes script (my favorite :D ) saved me a lot of time and thanks a lot. But now I´ve redone my character and the arms and legs are now under switchlayers attached to a bone in the main bone layer and now the shift keyframes script doesn´t work anymore! Anyone with the same problem? Is there any way to keep my switch layers and still use this great script?

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Do these scripts work in Anime Studio Pro?

Post by mooncaine »

These scripts look like real timesavers. I upgraded to Anime Studio Pro, though, and I don't know if these scripts will work. Should they work in Anime Studio Pro?

I thought they were loading with Anime Studio Pro, but I made a mistake and started Moho instead. They don't show up in ASP. I guess that means, "no", but if there's a way [perhaps a global search and replace?], that'd be cool.

Stop me if I shouldn't even be trying these scripts with ASP, please! For now, I'm going to stop trying them.


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Post by Rasheed »

You need to install the scripts in your ASP application folder, as described in the thread, simply replace "Moho folder" with "Anime Studio Pro folder" (C:\Program Files\Anime Studio Pro\ instead of C:\Program Files\Moho\).

That should work.
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Post by mooncaine »

Ah, I think I solved the immediate issue. The scripts folder in ASP has 3 folders in it already:


I put the Crashcore folder inside the "menu" folder, and now I see them when I start ASP.

I'm using Mac OSX 10.4.8 right now, btw. I think the prob is solved, though. Thanks!
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Save (& Load) Layer Animation help

Post by Gnaws »

Could someone walk me thru using the "Save Layer Animation" & "Load Layer Animation"?

I've selected my animation layer and ran the SLA script. I tried saving as: .anme, .lua and a .txt file?

When I open a new document and run the LLA (selecting the previously saved file) I get nothing.

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Post by funksmaname »

:oops: download not working... can someone put the zip somewhere? plz

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Post by Genete »

It happened what I supposed it would happen.... server is down.

I have only a copy of the main file. Perhaps other can have a copy of the rest of single scripts.
I'll put into a temporary server.
Someone from e-frontier, Fahim or LM should look to this and ask himself about enable a repository of this kind of useful things....

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