I need help making a decision.


Moderators: Víctor Paredes, Belgarath, slowtiger

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Which one?

Poll ended at Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:49 pm

Everyday high school life theme
A wannabe teen becomes an overnight pop sensation
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I need help making a decision.

Post by qpop »

Hello their again guys it's your 13 year old animator here. So i have a dilemma, i need help deciding what my show should be about, so here are some ideas i have in a poll please vote, I would really appreciate your feedback.
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Re: I need help making a decision.

Post by synthsin75 »

Since I'm not a teen, I'm probably not your target audience. So you should probably ask other teens about which they'd rather see.

The only advice I'd give is that if you make it about a pop star, make sure the music/singing is good. Otherwise you might lose your audience right there. And every teen relates to high school life.
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Re: I need help making a decision.

Post by slowtiger »

Well, both of them have been done before, so you're not going to be very original. Do you think there will be an audience for that?

I always recommend to base your storytelling on your own experiences. Now if you're just 13, you can't possibly have been in as many situations as older folks (except when you've been a child soldier in central Africa or a refugee in the Mediterraneum), so the source of inspiration is limited. Most, if not all, would go and grab from other shows, which is the reason of having too much of the same over and over.

So have a seat, relax, and think of your own life, your room, your school, and your area: what's special about it? What are the parts of your life that never have been featured in a show? And work from that.
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Re: I need help making a decision.

Post by qpop »

1. The high school life show is actually based on my life from 2nd grade-5th grade i would just make it more high school for the audience(Trust me I've been through a lot in school.)
2. The Singing show i know has been done(Jem and the holograms,Hannah Montana etc...) but if i do that show i would try my best to make it less like those shows.

Thanks for feedback.

P.S- The target audience for the show is for people of all ages for the high School show. Teens can relate their experiences now, Kids can kinda prepare for the future, and adults and seniors can reminisce about the good/bad times of high school.

And I know both show ideas have been done before(thousands of different shows) but it's how your story line comes together that sets them apart. ex. Jem and Hannah Montana 2 same ideas, 2 whole diff. story lines.
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Re: I need help making a decision.

Post by lwaxana »

Both options have potential. I'd recommend you choose the one that you're most excited about and have the most ideas for. Whichever project you choose, you'll get to practice and improve your skills and maybe you'll even have time to try the other idea later on! Looking forward to see what you come up with!
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Re: I need help making a decision.

Post by qpop »

Thanks i think i'm gonna choose the high school idea i have so many ideas for that one, and it could have potential.
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