How do I even get started here??

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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by spearcarrier »

hayasidist wrote:that one might be to do with styles.

if you have a style applied to a shape you won't see that you have unless you check the advanced option in the styles window. the style overrides the apparently given fill and/or stroke options
Thank you! I did think of that - because I'm only just experimenting with that feature and I sure can mess something up when I don't try - but when I opened the layer I didn't see anything that would have made sense. I'll look again. Maybe I overlooked it.

I just found the 11 update from the version on my disk thanks to a "is there a Windows 10 conflict" Google search. I'm installing that now. Maybe that will fix things. I hope. I really do like this program so far and would like this to work until I can go to 12! And I sacrificed so much to have it. j/k
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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by synthsin75 »

spearcarrier wrote:So, then you're telling me the numerous script errors that keep popping up in the lower right corner when I try to save to my library are user error? There are a *lot* of them.
I believe AS11 relied on Internet Explorer as the engine for its library. Since Windows 10 no longer comes with IE, that's likely the problem. Install IE or update to Moho 12.
Or how about how the action menu won't close, and instead of being able to save an action I get a green screen? And it won't go OUT of the action menu even after I close the window and I have to click randomly to get it to stop that? I've only been saying the action menu is fubarred for a while now.... Perhaps every time the program crashes arbitrarily is my fault, too. Or my favorite, the scrubber deciding randomly to run like crazy across the animation at super speed when all I'm doing is sitting hands down just reviewing by watching.
Yes, that's all user error. Closing the actions window doesn't close an action. You have to double-click the mainline to do that...please read the user the Help>Help menu. The spacebar plays the timeline, so yes, setting your hand down on the spacebar will do that.
The program didn't have these problems with the demo I tried it on. But I was running the demo on Windows Ultimate N 7. So I've emailed Smith Micro in the hopes that even though the program is old they might be able to help. I'm not holding my breath, though.

When I say something is full of bugs and I compare it to when it was running better earlier, I'm comparing actual program behavior. It helps to ask what the problems are instead of pointing fingers.
Still sounds like mostly user error.
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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by spearcarrier »

synthsin75 wrote: Yes, that's all user error. Closing the actions window doesn't close an action. You have to double-click the mainline to do that...please read the user the Help>Help menu. The spacebar plays the timeline, so yes, setting your hand down on the spacebar will do that.

Still sounds like mostly user error.

Newp. Not even a little bit. The updated version of AS11 is running much better - which would be why I had asked waaaay back *points at thread* if anyone remembered if there had been updates.

You see, I know the spacebar plays the timeline. That's... common sense. Just about all video programs have that feature. Unless I'm sitting here holding the spacebar down with telekinesis after telling the program to go by hitting the spacebar - which I have to admit would be boss - I'm NOT telling it to speed up and run like a Russian racehorse. Hitting the bar twice STOPS it. Doesn't tell it "go faster".

Haven't been able to futz with it much today, but I can already tell a difference in behavior on some matters. No script errors in the bottom left for example. Not a one. The library loaded like a dream. I tested the action menu on one of the demo scenes and it worked. So far, things look hopeful. Which might make the tech guy at Smith Micro happy, as he's waiting for my reply at the moment. =^-^=

Another thing I found was an old thread here about saving possible corrupt scenes in a new location to fix errors. Will be trying that as well in the future.

I mean, sure, insist to yourself that it's user error all you like. It doesn't make it true. All it does is keep you from answering my questions when I ask on how to solve and/or trouble shoot the problems. Which... kind of reflects on the forum itself, but one learns to troubleshoot for themselves in life. And if I couldn't figure it out myself, the program wouldn't be worth it anyway. So. It's all good.
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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by Greenlaw »

If you're pretty sure it's not user error, you might want to perform a clean re-install of Moho. Make sure you trash any config/preference files that get left behind after removal. Also, be sure to deactivate your license before removing it or you will lose that activation. (You get three activations. Lost activations are recoverable but it's a hassle so better to avoid losing any in the first place.)

FWIW, I used ASP 11 for television animation during 2015-2016 without major issues, so I can't say it's "full of bugs." I can only think of two bugs that caused any serious problems for me at work: One was a 'tearing' artifact that could appear in animations where I used Image Texture, and the other was a random crash with the Batch Renderer when using the Multi-threading option.

But both of these problems were fixed for Moho 12, which is what I've been using at work nearly every day for 2017, and it's been pretty great to work with.
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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by spearcarrier »

Thank you, Greenlaw. TV animation, eh?

I actually started this with a demo of 12. I want 12 very much, but one has to be fiscally wise or pay the consequences. (Alas.) But so far so good with this latest fix.

When it comes to a serious project I'd like to make this music video I've had in my head for a year or two. I think this would be a very good medium for it. Because my skills are limited, I could compensate for that by stylizing the character artwork to look like book illustrations so it would be a subconscious given they would move how they move. One thing at a time, though.

In order to install the update, the program uninstalled my old version entirely. So I'm guessing the wise folks at SM already knew about that. If I weren't so busy today (I have flats today. Why. Why did I agree to do this when playing is more fun....) I'd really be giving this update a run for the money. In order to get the update I had to present serial.

There is one last remaining issue I know that I hesitate to call a bug because I don't know if the feature is supposed to do this. The bucket fill. Layers still want to stay in crayon mode no matter what I tell them. Saving to a new location did fix some of that. But two parts refuse to change still... Also. When I hit bucket fill (sometimes I just click on it and change the settings.) the program actually adds another vector layer on the character. So that my character, when I realized this, had 20+ layers on it I had to delete. It also had triplicate layers of the hair I'd drawn that I did NOT bucket fill I had to weed out carefully.

I'm sick today and do not want to read the manual on that, yet. It will have to wait until I feel better.
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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by chucky »

H; Spearcarrier,
Unfortunately, that is exactly what I mean, this does not reflect on you in any negative way. You are not at fault. It is just that Moho has a few tricks that are not nooby friendly. I had the same experiences and a few rage quits myself.
I think I actually left it for about a year after deciding it was -broken'.
I don't know why but I came back for a second look and as I said above, it 'CLICKED: Suddenly I got it and was from then on more trusting.
These idiosyncrasies are not as frustrating as say.... Blender.... which is inherently "arse about face' . So stick with it and trust yourself and the software.... just be patient. :)
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Re: How do I even get started here??

Post by spearcarrier »

Oh being patient. I just can't comprehend a manual (or most things) with this sort of migraine is all. So have to patiently wait for my brain back, you see. =^-^= I kind of figured that one wasn't a bug, though. It's too weird to be an error.
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