Anime Studio 8 Questions and Answers

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Post by Lost Marble »

sbtamu wrote:In the Webinar it was said that you can edit your images in Photoshop and have AS update it automatically. My question is, will it work with other software like GIMP, Audacity, Wings3d?
Photoshop is kind of the "big name" when we talk about this feature, but it is in no way a Photoshop-specific feature. What happens is this: Anime keeps track of external files that you've referenced (images, audio clips, movies, etc.). If one of those files changes on disk, for whatever reason, Anime will re-load it automatically.

So, yes, this will work with GIMP, Audacity, etc. etc. I suppose it would even work if you had some kind of shared folder or "drop box" that other people could modify from a remote computer. Anime would notice that a file changed and update it in the open project.
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Post by sbtamu »

Lost Marble wrote:
sbtamu wrote:In the Webinar it was said that you can edit your images in Photoshop and have AS update it automatically. My question is, will it work with other software like GIMP, Audacity, Wings3d?
Photoshop is kind of the "big name" when we talk about this feature, but it is in no way a Photoshop-specific feature. What happens is this: Anime keeps track of external files that you've referenced (images, audio clips, movies, etc.). If one of those files changes on disk, for whatever reason, Anime will re-load it automatically.

So, yes, this will work with GIMP, Audacity, etc. etc. I suppose it would even work if you had some kind of shared folder or "drop box" that other people could modify from a remote computer. Anime would notice that a file changed and update it in the open project.
Thats what I wanted to hear, thanks. I use 2 monitors so I can have AS up on one and an editing software on the other. This will allow be to see whats going on in real time.
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Post by synthsin75 »

For using layerscripts in ASP7, which introduced the multi-core render bug that wasn't fixed in the version it was introduced in, and to utilize layerscripts with multi-thread rendering in 8, could you explain what needs to be done to make layerscripts work with that bug?
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Post by Lost Marble »

synthsin75 wrote:For using layerscripts in ASP7, which introduced the multi-core render bug that wasn't fixed in the version it was introduced in, and to utilize layerscripts with multi-thread rendering in 8, could you explain what needs to be done to make layerscripts work with that bug?
Sorry, I don't believe I can in a generalized, concise way. Maybe there should be some discussion in the scripting forum.

It really depends on the script in question. Here's one simple example (in pseudo-code). Suppose you have a script that moves a layer upwards by a small amount every frame, and it uses a global variable:

Code: Select all

layerHeight = 0

function RunScript()
    if (currentFrame == 0) then
        layerHeight = 0
        layerHeight = layerHeight + 4
In a single-threaded environment, it's very simple: the layer will be 4 units higher every frame. However, in a multithreaded environment where the frames may be rendered in any order it gets tricky. Suppose the left column below is the current frame being rendered, the middle column is the expected height and the right column is the actual layer height:

Code: Select all

frame    expected height    actual height
0           0                 0
1           4                 4
3           12                8
2           8                 12
This is a very simple example, but here's the right way to code it for multithreaded rendering (ideally, you would get rid of the global variable altogether, but here's a simple example):

Code: Select all

layerHeight = 0

function RunScript()
    layerHeight = currentFrame * 4
This may be getting a little technical for this thread. I suspect most Anime users aren't into scripting, so I'd like to not get too deep into that topic right here.
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Re: Anime Studio 8 Questions and Answers

Post by digitalartguru »

Will Anime Studio 8 work with Mac OSX Lion or is it too early to tell?
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Post by mkelley »


Is there any way to get rid of the "Character Wizard" button that now exists in the toolbar?

Unfortunately, the loss of this real estate now invalidates every single one of my scripts (which cannot be rewritten without losing all their features). Since it is a feature I will never use, I'd just prefer not to have that button there anyway.
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Timeline retains focus?

Post by mkelley »


Please tell me this isn't so -- in version 8 the timeline now retains focus when you move the arrow. This means you need to first click back into the main window before it will respond to movement on any layer (bone, vector, switch).

This is a deal-breaker for me -- if this cannot be readjusted back to 7 (and previous) behavior, I cannot use this for animation (because it is a hideous workflow for animators).

I'm hoping I'm just missing something very obvious (this could NOT have gotten past any competent beta).
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Post by mkelley »

I should clarify because somewhere else (I think you know where) someone said this behavior happens with an undocked pallet -- my timeline is indeed undocked but I have been using it this way since version 6 and neither 6.x nor 7.x exhibited this behavior.

(Windows, dual monitors).
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Timeline improvements

Post by heiseman »

Have any improvements been made to the timeline (in particular, keyframe interpolation)? eg. editable velocity curves and correct, realistic easing in/out.

Please reference the following thread for more details about this long-time issue:

If the the answer to the above question is no, would you consider implementing the feature into a future update?

Thank you..
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Post by mkelley »

Upon further review by a colleague, this bad behavior (timeline focus) only happens with dual monitors. So, a money-returning showstopper for me, but I'd hope Mike that you could at least consider fixing this for some point release (at which point I'll rebuy).

While you're at it it would be nice if you could fix the Windows positioning thing with multiple monitors (not a show stopper, but since most serious animators use multiple monitors something that would be very appreciated).
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Re: Anime Studio 8 Questions and Answers

Post by Lost Marble »

digitalartguru wrote:Will Anime Studio 8 work with Mac OSX Lion or is it too early to tell?
We've tested it with the developer previews of Lion. Some things have changed in Lion that we took into account, and Anime is working properly on the latest developer build of Lion. Apple could of course change anything they want before the next OS is finalized, but so far so good.
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Post by Lost Marble »

mkelley wrote:Mike,

Is there any way to get rid of the "Character Wizard" button that now exists in the toolbar?
Sorry, no, that and the Library button are hard-coded into the toolbar.
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Re: Timeline improvements

Post by Lost Marble »

heiseman wrote:Have any improvements been made to the timeline (in particular, keyframe interpolation)? eg. editable velocity curves and correct, realistic easing in/out.
The timeline hasn't really changed in version 8. I know there have been ongoing requests in this area and it's something I definitely would like to address in the future. But I'll have to refrain from making any promises about what changes might happen when.
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Re: Timeline retains focus?

Post by Lost Marble »

mkelley wrote:Please tell me this isn't so -- in version 8 the timeline now retains focus when you move the arrow. This means you need to first click back into the main window before it will respond to movement on any layer (bone, vector, switch).
Mike, I'm at home right now and only have access to a Mac, where it seems to work fine. I'll have to check on Windows in the morning back in the office, but right now no changes to keyboard events come to mind.

Are you running version 7 and 8 on the same computer and you see this difference? What version of Windows?
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Post by heiseman »

Elaborating on my last point, if you were to ever update the timeline and keyframe interpolation features in the future, I would suggest having a look at how After Effects handle this. It would be a great base to draw inspiration from. Thanks for listening...
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