Scene change

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Scene change

Post by MonkeY »

Hey m8s!
I got a little/big) problem.
When i want to change scenes, f.e. from a house to an outdoor scene, do i have to make ALL objects needed in the whole film in the first frame?
Or can i make it someway else? Coz in this way it would be a bit ...bad...
Ty for help,
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Lost Marble
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Post by Lost Marble »

Generally, we recommend creating separate Moho files for each scene of your movie, then combining them in a video editing program. There are a few reasons for this:

1. Unless you've planned your animation perfectly, you may have the need to add/remove a scene, or change the length of a scene in the middle somewhere. If you're packing the whole thing into one movie, changes like this will be a serious pain.

2. If your entire project was one big file, a change in one scene would require you to re-render the entire project. If you work with separate files and a video editor, you can make a change in one scene and quickly re-render just that one section.

3. A lot of Moho users are working on projects just by themselves, but if you have a small (or large) team of animators, the only way for them to all work on a project together is to break it up into multiple files.

Having said all of that, if you really want to cram everything into one file, then yes, everything has to be drawn at frame 0. You can use layer visibility to hide certain layers, and only turn them on when you plan your scene change.

(This applies to Moho 4 - in Moho 5, you can draw objects at any frame, but you're still probably better off using separate Moho files.)
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Post by MonkeY »

thx for the quick answer.
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