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Watch a lower vector layer in wireframe mode

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:31 pm
by Genete
I'm working on a scenario that I'm making with some layers overlapping. When drawing the lines before make the shapes I used to set Display Quality to wireframe to quick hide me all the other layers and concentrate only on the drawing I'm doing.

Can anyone tell me WHY when I select the layer called "cortina" then the "pared" and "pared 2" layers are shown in wireframe mode?

Please check out this file and confirm if it is a bug or not.


Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:09 pm
by Víctor Paredes
finally i can help you genete!! :D
see the current layer button at bottom, you have actived "construction curves" in both paredes (by the way, did you know that my last name is "paredes"?...):

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:57 pm
by Genete
Thanks a lot selgin!!!!!!
I never though on that. And even that's a very good tip!!!!

For me is very difficult to draw onto a bunch of other visible layers and I wanted to draw with the other layer visible but in wireframe mode. I didn't remember that you can customize the way a layer is shown overriding the general display settings!!!! So NOW I can draw new shapes at different layers without loose the feed back of the blow or above layers and not necessary it should be showing fills and strokes!!!!

Thank you very much for taking your time investigating "my bug". And sorry for ask to the forum without deep research what was happening... :oops:


PS: Yeah! Your real name is Victor Paredes isn't it?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:16 pm
by Víctor Paredes
Genete wrote:Thank you very much for taking your time investigating "my bug". And sorry for ask to the forum without deep research what was happening... :oops:
actually i didn't investigate so much. i'm using this wireframe feature just since few days, so when i see the topic tittle i say, i know what is happening to genete!, and crossed my fingers to be the first in answering.
Genete wrote:PS: Yeah! Your real name is Victor Paredes isn't it?
yes, and you are carlos lópez, i remember. :roll:
and please! don't say sorry! you are one of the anime studio masters here, you always know every answer and you are very generous, i'm really glad to help you :wink: (it's good make that help be reciprocal. as you are the master, i have very few occasions to help you)