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Post by bupaje »

I haven't had much time to play with Moho the past 3 weeks but here's a half baked somewhat vague idea I had when I was trying to position some layers .....

I was using some 3D cubes to create a rough outline of a city street. I then tried to draw a front and side for these 'buildings' in 2D and line them up with the faces -figured I could do that then delete the 3D shapes just to line them up easier. Well, doesn't work as expected and had an impossible time trying to lay the layers against the cubes -try it, maybe its me.

Assuming it's not just me I wondered if it my be possible to create a function to allow you to place a 3D block, click on your 2D layer and then on the 3D face you want to line up with and hit 'Send To' to put it against that face.

In addition to placing objects as I mentioned this might be a useful thing to animate.
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Lost Marble
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Post by Lost Marble »

It sounds like you're kind of trying to put textures on these cubes using vector layers. Another way to approach that would be to build the cubes themselves out of vector layers, and then draw in the texture details.

Take a look at tutorial 2.8 to see how to build a 3D cube out of 2D vector layers. That tutorial doesn't show how to add textures to the sides of the cubes, but once you've got a basic cube, just duplicate it as many times as you need, and then modify the 2D sides of the cube to add extra texture details.
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Post by bupaje »

I think my questions have evolved basically because I have a concept but not enough experience to decide what should be 2D and what should be 3D so I'm jumping back and forth trying this and that. Going to ask for ideas in one of the other forums -just to keep this one on topic. Thanks. :)
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