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raster to vector

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:06 pm
by hemorrhoid
This may have already been asked (i searched but couldnt find it) but what is the best raster to vector conversion tool that can be used with moho? I want to convert hand drawings into vector images. I know that there will be hundreds of points in moho on the picture after converted to vector but that doesnt matter too much.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:35 pm
by AcouSvnt
Do a search on "potrace" (great for b&w, free), "Autotrace" (decent for color, free), "Delineate" (front end for previous two).

If you have Flash, that can do it as well.

Personally, I've had some difficulties getting the EPS files produced by potrace to work, and Moho won't take SVG ... but I'm sure either someone has a good solution, or there will be a solution in the near future.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:21 am
by myles
Last I heard, one of our forum members (you know who you are - chime in!) was very fond of the Algolab Raster To Vector Toolkit - see

Note: you may have to do some further tweaking - (1) while the lines seem to be reproduced fairly faithfully, they aren't necessarily joined up in logically fillable shapes - you may have to break and rejoin some shapes, (2) if you have one object overlapping another, it isn't necessarily going to be defined as a separate object - it may become part of the object it overlaps, and (3) the program can't draw what it can't see - if all it sees is an elbow protruding from behind the body, it won't draw the rest of the arm, so you may still have to do some drawing in Moho to get an animatable character (not to mention multi-fill breakdown of shapes).

They have a 15-day-trial version to download.

Regards, Myles.