Freeze transformations and bake transformations

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Freeze transformations and bake transformations

Post by kdiddy13 »

In Maya there's a function that you can apply to objects called "Freeze Transformation". Basically it takes an object that you've translated, rotated, and scaled and sets all of the values to 0 (1 for scale of course).

Would it be possible to do this with layers in Moho? It's suprising how often this comes in handy while rigging characters. Complex math suddenly becomes simple and it becomes obvious what's happening to an object. For instance, while modeling a head, I have an ear layer. I decide it's not quite in the right place or scale. I tweak it by manipulating the layer and decide it's perfect. I'd like to be able to set it in a default position by locking the layer to a new T:0,0,0 R: 0,0,0 S: 1,1,1 position. Freeze transformations would do just that. It basically makes for some very nice and neat character setups.

It would also be extremely handy when dealing with groups, as hopefully, a side effect would be the object being baked into the new dimensions. Say you squish a head that has a nose, eyes, and mouth all on separate layers in a group layer. Currently, if you remove a layer, it jumps back to it's normal state. I'm hoping that if you "Freeze" the layer's transforms that it will "bake" the transforms on to any layers below. Perhaps this is a separate request from the freeze transformations request.

In any event, both would be suprisingly helpful. I'll try to think of some examples if it's still not clear what these would be used for; it's kind of a "I know when I need it" thing but have trouble explaining what those situations are.

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