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Style Bugs?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:17 am
by sherlock
Take a look at the image below. While working on my animation, I decided to slightly modify the shading in a style. I changed the style that was applied to the shapes that make up the robot. Both of these shots are from different frames of the same animation, but now mid-way through the animation the style changes. Looking at the timeline and at the style properties at each frame, I can find no way to change this.


It gets even stranger. I decided to create an entirely new style. And then assign it to each of the parts at Frame 0. Strangley, each shape had been updated automatically to the style I had just created, but they still rendered the results as they did before the change. When I say render, I am speaking of single frames as well as exporting to AVI.

Is there something I'm missing, or are these truly style bugs? Is there any work-arounds available?


Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:31 am
by Lost Marble
It sounds to me like there's a keyframe in the applied style. In other words, you not only set the style's color at frame 0, but also at some later frame.

The odd part is when you create and apply a new style - are you sure there aren't two styles applied to these shapes?

Or, maybe the layer shading is changing colors at some frame during the animation, and it isn't a style issue at all.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:34 am
by sherlock
If it were one of these scenarios, wouldn't I see the additional keyframe in the time-line, or do I have check layer properties for each individual frame?

I am certain that all of the shapes use the same style. I have worked for the last 3 hours trying to find the answer or a way around the problem, but so far no luck.

Any help you can give me is certainly appreciated.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:40 pm
by Lost Marble
sherlock wrote:If it were one of these scenarios, wouldn't I see the additional keyframe in the time-line, or do I have check layer properties for each individual frame?
The layer shading channel is hidden by default, so make sure it is turned on in the timeline to see those keys.

Style keys, unfortunately, do not yet appear in the timeline, so you wouldn't be able to see those.

If you want to email the file to, I can probably figure out what's going on.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:09 pm
by sherlock
The layer shading channel is hidden by default
Yes, but I did make it visible. I have e-mailed a copy of the file I am working on so that you may review the style channels. Please let me know what you find.
