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Question to heyvern: Head turn

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:54 pm
by Vincent
Hi heyvern,

in one of your interesting posts you showed a kind of cartoon hero that performed a fluid head turn. Although this topic is often discussed on this forum (and I read most of the messages posted) I did not quite get the method you used in order to achieve this smooth movement.

Was it just a switch layer containing copies of one sub-layer (say a front view of a head) the copied layers being turned point by point into the different views needed and then keyframed via swich layer or did you use any other methods (exclusively or in combination)?

I am also wondering about how many different layers you use when building a head.

I hope you do not mind these questions; I'm just particularly interested in this specific subject and marvel at the technical perfection of your use of MOHO.


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:13 pm
by heyvern
I replied to this in the Moho 5 forum... oops. Should have replied here.
