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An Ugly Shading Bug...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:17 pm
by Rai López
...Well, With the Layer Shading Effect on, we can see that the FRAME of the "photogram" generates a rectangular shading over the shapes that are "in and out" of the field of view :? , this is, for example, when we have a caracter, and we pass of "general plane" (We see all the body) to "first plane" of the caracter (we only see the head or part of them) ...I think that the Layer Shading is a great effect (and more now, that it scale with camera movements :D ), but cause of this "little" bug the effect becomes some useless, a pity...

PD 1: I'm Moho Fanatic too (really), but the program have yet some faults like this (or not) that prevent that the software be the best of the world! Well, some (soon) day...
PD 2: Ah! Sorry for my English 8)


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:15 pm
by Rai López
...It seems that this only worry to me :? , well...

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:33 pm
by Lost Marble
We've got it on the list of problems to fix. Unfortunately, for technical reasons it's very difficult. At the point the layer shadow/shading effect is applied, Moho does not have access to the information about which objects are offscreen. The problem is that to get a correct shadow, the offscreen objects need to be involved.

Re: An Ugly Shading Bug...

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:09 pm
by Manu
Ramón López wrote:...but cause of this "little" bug the effect becomes some useless, a pity...
Well, useless is a bit harsh. A workaround is to render out too big with the camera too wide and then crop the resulting render.