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Beta 4 Bug Report: 2 quick ones in Freehand

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:00 pm
by 7feet
1 Got the noted error in this section. tapped the pen by mistake, looked like one point but got this error. It's happened 2 or 3 other times. Set to use pen pressure, taper start, and taper end.:

if ((not self.autoClose) and (self.taperStart or self.taperEnd)) then
-- taper the beginning and/or the end of the new line
local f = moho:NewShapeLineWidth()
local dist = 0
local prevV = LM.Vector2:new_local()
prevV:Set(mesh:Point(self.startingPoint).fPos) --M_Mesh:Point out of range - attempt to index a nil walue
for i = self.startingPoint + 1, mesh:CountPoints() - 1 do
local pt = mesh:Point(i)
if (pt.fWidth < 0) then
pt.fWidth = f
dist = dist + (pt.fPos - prevV):SquaredMag()

2. I was wondering why freehand would Autoweld sometimes when the checkbox isn't filled. There are a few instances where you are using LM_TranslatePoints.autoWeld instead of LM_Freehand.autoWeld to do the check. Thought I should point that out.
