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Bones are vanishing

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:24 pm
by Hoptoad
Something weird is happening to my duplicated character. The character has a polished, completed rig that worked fine. I'm using Moho 14 on a Mac.

I duplicated the character (not a reference) and scaled the duplicated character larger, but the bone rig of the larger character does not work. When I use the manipulate bones tool and click on a bone, the bone vanishes and so does the vector art which was point-bound to the bone. If there are children bones, they also vanish along with their art. If I use the select bones tool, it works as normal. The transform bone tool doesn't work. It vanishes the bone, but not the art, or throws a Lua error. If I choose the selection tool, all the bones and art returns.

Did I do something wrong?

Re: Bones are vanishing

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:41 pm
by Hoptoad
I think I found the problem. I used Transform Layer to make the duplicated character larger. But I did so by entering 130% in the X field and Y field, and I entered 0 in the Z field, thinking it didn't need it to be 130% since Z is concerned with 3D space.

When I changed the Z field to 130%, the problem went away.

Evidently I don't understand Z field.

Is "field" the right word for the box where you can manually enter numbers? Maybe it has a different name. . .