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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:31 pm
by zoesan
Had a suggestion from Hayasidist to make an object (fish) wriggle. It was posted in the 'Share an animation' section of the forum, where I'd posted a clip. I looked a Moho vid on mesh and think this might do the trick. The effect would be similar to the old fairground mirrors distortion, wavy big and small. According to the vid you don't have to bind to a bone, but this I'm not sure about.

Included jpeg:


I'm trying Greenlaws direction to link from dropbox and changing the '?dl=0' to '?raw=1' Hope it works.

Would mesh be the right way to go? and if so...

Greenlaws post on uploading...worked!

Re: Wriggle

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:55 pm
by ggoblin
Hi Zoesan

As a beginner I have probably got it wrong, but here goes..


Project file:

As a quick example I just added a little movement to a fish's fins using warp mesh and cycled it. Then animated the layer containing the fish across the screen. The moho project file, fish image used and small video of animation are included in the zip file.

I know its pretty bad.. sad looking goldfish struggling to swim.. but you get the principle.

( For some reason Moho gif export removed the red from my fish (dither on or off makes no difference in this case), but a small mp4 video is included in the zip along with the moho project file and fish png.)

I am terrible at explaining, but essentially you load the fish image and then in a vector layer you use add points to outline the fish using lots of straight lines, you can block areas when you dont want distortions like the head area. In the project there is a 'original' vector layer, its not needed for animation but its where I have saved a copy of the mesh outline for you to see.


Then you call the triangulate 2d mesh function on this vector layer - it populates the vector with a mesh ( the more points in the vector layer the more dense the mesh.


Then you bind this mesh to the image by selecting the image layer and in its layer setting -> Image -> Smart warp layer and select the mesh layer from the drop down menu (in this project the layer is called mesh).


Now you are ready to animated - go to frame 1 and create keyframe the mesh, go to another frame and move the points on the mesh using the magnet tool (ie move fins of fish) , go to another frame and move fins in other direction, etc... and when you are happy you can create a cycle so the animation loops. Now when you press play the fish fins should animate, and you can use the transform layer tool to move the fish across the screen.

Re: Wriggle

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:59 pm
by zoesan
Thanks ggoblin. Your explanation and posted jpeg examples were very directive. Will re-open my file and apply what you've posted !

Re: Wriggle

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:20 pm
by ggoblin
You are very welcome Zoesan.

If you do decide to go down that route, would love to see what your creativity comes up with. :)