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Horizontal scroll bar missing from timeline when docked

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:35 pm
by Hoptoad
When the timeline is docked, the horizontal scrollbar is missing at the bottom of the timeline window. (The vertical scrollbar appears as expected.)

Undocking the timeline window causes the horizontal scrollbar to appear.

Re-docking the window causes the scrollbar to disappear again.

Resizing the entire Moho window (fullscreen, half size, etc.) does not make the scrollbar appear.

Moho 13.5.1
Mac OS 10.15
M1 chip
4K display

Re: Horizontal scroll bar missing from timeline when docked

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:29 pm
by Hoptoad
I found a setting for scroll bars in the Mac OS. By default, they were set to automatically appear based on mouse-use or trackpad-use, or the setting could be changed to "always". I changed scroll bars to "always", shut down Moho and restarted it.

Yay! The horizontal scroll bar appears while the timeline is docked! Problem gone!

In the next update, maybe this situation can be addressed, so other people don't struggle with the missing scroll bar. I'm assuming the scroll bar setting in the Mac OS was the problem, but who knows? Maybe turning Moho off and on fixed it, ha ha.

Thanks for all your hard work, developers!

Re: Horizontal scroll bar missing from timeline when docked

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:21 pm
by Greenlaw
Thanks for the info. I'm sure other Mac users will want to know this.