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Design Mode + Improved camera + more

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 1:13 am
by PixelVector
I'm looking forward to the new updates that will be coming out for Moho Pro now that it's under new and familiar ownership. Hopefully we get yearly version upgrades going forward.

Design Mode
A design mode feature that allows you to to create a vector, shape, bone, etc anywhere on the timeline so you don't have to go back to frame 0, and you can work within the moment on your timeline. It would be effective for last minute additions and afterthoughts to help improve your scene.

Revised Camera
It would be nice to have a full 3D camera with lens options. I find the camera in moho is too stiff, and takes too long to animate it the way I like it.

Lighting + FX
it would be great to have a lighting feature similar to the Live filter lighting in Affinity Photo. More options for FX to compete with After Effects.

3D Space
I get this isn't a 3D program, but it would be great to improve the 3D rotation features to allow you to easily design vector shapes in 3D space.

Drawing tools
I think the new bitmap feature is a great, quick, and satisfying way to do storyboards in Moho Pro, but I find it's very laggy with Windows Ink. Perhaps improved vector drawing tools could be in the works.

Re: Design Mode + Improved camera + more

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 6:06 am
by chucky
Great suggestions.

I do suggest you play with the camera more,
Move the camera position, change FOV/ lens length as well, you will see that it does work a lot like any camera.
You can even perform bipacks and the like,
There are also DOF options in the project settings.

With 2d layers, setting them to point at camera does help in many situations too.

It's not perfect I know and dollying and panning can get some messed up results sometimes, so often grouping everything and moving the set can work better.
In the past I've even set up smart bones to control set x,y of the set to get a really fine control.