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2.5D animation

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:27 am
by dueyftw
My thoughts on how to make 2.5D animation

I have a few other thoughts on the subject. Maybe I will make another video.


Re: 2.5D animation

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:05 am
by jahnocli
I was interested in what you were saying, but in the second half of the tutorial the sound was really poor. I gave up trying to make out what you were saying and switched off.

However, here's something you may be interested in -- got it from an old Animators Forum post:


To make the fish eye effect for vector layers and images and videos.

Make a set of bones
> unparented
> length = 1
> distance 0.5 away from center
> Strenght = 1.5478
> Layout seen in pic below.
> Name the bone on the right.
> Use the right bone as scale control for the other bones.


There was a link to the moho file on MediaFire, but that has gone...