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Squashing bones against target bones

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:40 pm
by sidsquid

I just discovered that I can make bones squash if I push the main handle (root bone) of a character towards target bones. I searched, but couldn’t find any mention of this on the forum so thought I’d pass it on...

I made a simple character; a head, a body blob and two legs. I rigged it in the usual way, with two target bones at the end of the legs (see the video).

I added bone constrains to both leg bones and the body, as follows:
- Squash and stretch scaling = 1.5
- Max IK stretch = 1.25

I attached the target bones to the legs.

Then I went to the timeline to animate it. I pushed the main handle (root bone) downwards – the leg bones didn’t squash, they went through the floor.

Next, I used the bone transform to slightly reduce the scale of both leg bones. I pushed the main handle downwards again, and bingo, both leg bones squash against the floor. The body also squashed, which was a bonus.

When I pulled the main handle upwards on subsequent frames the legs extended back to their original length, but didn’t stretch (the max IK stretch has become deactivated somehow). To make them stretch I have to copy/paste the legs bones original scale from frame 0 to the frame where I want stretching to start.

Hope this makes sense and can come in handy.
