Gradient key frame problem

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Gradient key frame problem

Post by heyvern »

I am using the Mac version of Moho. Version 5.3.1

My gradient effects get keyed somehow. There is no way to delete the keys and they don't show up in the time line.

It starts out fine... I thought it was fixed in the last update but they keep coming back when I copy and paste vector shapes.

Removing animation from layer or document has no effect. It is very strange and hard to pin down.

Setting the fill shape key to "step" also doesn't work.

This is just a single layer with a simple shape.

Open this file and select the shape in frame zero. Click on the gradient effect and check the angle.

Now go anywhere else in the time line and do the same. The angle is different. There is no way to delete or change this since there is no key frames for the gradient.

The only way I have found to "fix" this is to delete the fill shape and start over. Unfortunately this happens constantly and has stopped all work for me at this point. My entire project is based on gradient fills.

This also effects color alpha. If the alpha is set in frame zero it won't show up in later frames.

I'm dead in the water with this one.

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Post by ulrik »


I opened your file with (mac version 5.3.1) as well, and the shape is, as you say, there with different gradient angle at different key position...really odd, I noticed another strange thing, in the style window you can see and choose your shape, and there was nothing to choose there? shape...nothing, it says <none> in the window.
I deleted the shape (not the points) with the delete shape tool and made a new "white" shape with the same gradient angle 270, and then it was okey at every key point in the timeline, and the style window showed a named shape as well...I have no idea what had happened to your beats me :?
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Post by heyvern »

I did that on purpose to demonstrate the problem.

I keyed the angle and colors of the gradient at various points in the timeline. Once you do this... you're kind of up the creek... you can never ever delete those keys once they are created.

If you create a shape and never touch any of the effects in the timeline it should be okay...

however if you accidentally modify a shape effect and save... there is no going back to fix it.

Sometimes it would change and I get those keys and couldn't for the life of me remember making changes elsewhere in the timeline.

Same for styles. If you modify a style on a key frame besides "0" it is keyed for ever and you can't remove it with out deleting it and starting over.

This is a consistent problem that can be duplicated. I even tried looking at the code in a text editor... but I can't tell what the keys for the gradient would be.

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Post by Rai López »

This is Ancient Guys... See you :arrow: HERE! (Also Starring LM :)) ...CIAO!
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Post by heyvern »

It may be an "ancient" issue but it is still a very severe bug.

Even if you are aware of not accidentally modifying a shape fill by mistake on another keyframe... it sometimes happens...

When it does it creates a huge problem.

I have had to delete and redo about 10 gradient fills so many times in the last few days... I try to be very careful about always returning to frame 0 but every once in a while I forget and then by the time I realize my mistake... it is too late.


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Post by heyvern »

I wish to update my earlier complaints.

I have now stopped keying my gradient fills by accident!!


I also have created a layer with some of my more "important" gradient fills "stored" on shapes for use if I do accidentally mess up.

I can then just steal it from there if I inadvertently key frame something I shouldn't.

I still think it needs to be fixed but I am not as... petulant about it now.


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Post by Rai López »

...You are not alone! So be quiet and patient :), all people here are worried about gradient issues :wink:, but (for some coments) I think Gradients, and maybe other Shape Effects, could be in the top list of things to fix and improve by LM part, so... as somebody said, should not be a bad idea cross our fingers! :D
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Post by jorgy »

Ramón López wrote:...You are not alone! So be quiet and patient :),
Wow! I never thought I would see the day! Ramon is now not only being patient, but encouraging other people to be patient too!

:lol: :lol: :P :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :) :D :D :D
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Post by Rai López »

Jaja :) , HEY! But I didn't say that I were it :P ...But of couse I think this forum doesn't need more impatient people, yes :lol: ...And, althought you won't belive me, my grandmother always said me that I had a lot of patience ("pacencia" dicía ella :)) when... I was child... :roll:

Lost Patience :cry:
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