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FBX vs PNG Image Sequences Question

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:43 pm
by ilovelessons

Good day I am using UNITY 5 and Moho 12 Pro to build a simple 2D android game. However I am having trouble exporting and importing my FBX file ifrom Moho to Unity 5. The files makes it to unity but it has too many deformations. So I decided to go back to the old school way of exporting and sequence of PNG images from Moho and importing it into Unity. However whats the advantage of using the FBX over the PNG Sequence Images? Will the ultimate size of my Android game be smaller ( in terms of MB) than if I use PNG Sequence Images? This is one of my main concerns as Andriod games for google play need to be 50MB or less.

Can any list the pros and cons of FBX vs PNG Sequence Image?


Re: FBX vs PNG Image Sequences Question

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:23 am
by dkwroot
May sure to report any fbx bugs to the devs. FBX is far better than image sequences due to file size and smooth animation blending.

Re: FBX vs PNG Image Sequences Question

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:06 pm
by dueyftw
One of the problems with FBX is that each element is not at the same z depth when importing into Unity. I don't not know if this was fixed or not. It shouldn't be an issue for a 2d game because Unity flattens everything with its camera. But if your in 3d mode this is a major headache.
