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Saving problems with Papagayo 1.1 - Windows

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:40 pm
by Dany
Good morning everybody.

I've got a problem with Papagayo.
It's impossible for me to save a .pgo data !

There nothing happen when I trie to save. But when I close the program, there is an error message, who says that I have to look in the log file, what I did.

Here's what in the log file specified is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 366, in OnSave
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 378, in OnSaveAs
File "LipsyncDoc.pyo", line 400, in Save
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 39: ordinal not in range(128)

Does anybody have an idea about my problem ?
I'm using Windows XP SP2. I tried to redownload the program and reinstall it, but nothing changed. And I tried to install it on an other PC (who's in the same LAN) but it didn't work too !

Thanks for your help !

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:55 pm
by myles
Hello Dany,

I'm guessing it probably means that you have a non-ASCII chartacter in either your text or the filename.

Any character with an accent mark will probably do this - for example, è, é, ë, or ê. Similarly for other letters.

If that is the case, use the non-accented version of the letter.

Regards, Myles.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:41 am
by Guest

Mmmh. No. The non-ASCII character is not the problem. I never use those characters in filename (everyone (!) knows that it is bad... ;-).

I "save" the file, but the title of the program is still "Untitled". If I close the program, an error message appears and tell me that my file isn't saved. I click to save the project, but if I try to close again, the same message appears, and no file is created.
If I don't save the project, I've got an other error message "Errors occured" who tell me to look in the logfile.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 278, in CloseOK
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 293, in CloseDocOK
File "LipsyncFrame.pyo", line 368, in OnSave
File "LipsyncDoc.pyo", line 400, in Save
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 39: ordinal not in range(128)

This is what I have in the log file. Scary...
The name I specified for my file, was just "intro". It should work !

I tried to redownload and install the programm on another computer (in the same LAN) but it doesn't work too.

I really don't know ! :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:54 am
by Rhoel
What is the native language of your operating system ... I have had total failures on a Thai O/S system, yet none when on an English O/S.

Myles's suspiscioins about the non-ascii charset is logical because of the error messige (UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 39: ordinal not in range(128)).

If you have access to a US/UK o/s it would be worth the test. I run papagayo on my UK laptop and it works a charm, much faster and better than Magpie.

BTW, on the 10 episodes I have papagayoed, I rarely saved any of my Papagayo sound files - I only save the required moho.dat files - so far I have never had to go back to re-do the sync again. Becuase its so fast, building from new is no hassle.

If you cannot save the moho.dat file, then you have a really big problem as that file contains nothing but pure alpha-numeric characters.

Hope this gets you one step closer.


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:45 am
by Guest
I'm using a French Windows XP SP2, on a Dell 650 Desktop (bi Xeon processor 2.66Ghrz, 2 GB RAM, audio card : Intel 82801DB(M) ICH4(-M) - AC'97 Audio Controller [A-1])

I can export the .dat file without problems. Thats ok. But I've many many file to synchronize, and it would be better if I could save my work if I have to correct it.

Its amazing ! I tried to open one of the tutorial .pgo file, and to Save it as in an other place and it worked ! But with a new file it doesn't work !


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:24 am
by Rhoel
Anonymous wrote:I'm using a French Windows XP SP2,
Okay, the French O/S does have those fancy characters that Myles spoke of and their native to the O/S.

However, since you can open and save the sample file .......... well, there goes my idea :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:22 pm
by Guest

I still think it's a non-ASCII character problem - I have seen similar errors in my own Python code.

I just had a quick look at the Papagayo source code - what is the filename of the sound (.wav) file you are trying to lipsynch against ?
(This filename is stored in the .pgo file when it is saved, and is also likely to be ASCII sensitive)

Secondly, do the paths for either your .pgo file or your .wav file contain any non-ASCII characters? Since the full path is saved, the names of any folders/directories in the path will also matter. If you are saving into My Documents, the profile name will also matter.

For instance, if I were trying to save to My Documents, it would end up in
C:\Documents and Settings\myless\My Documents\

If I had a profile of mylêss, it might not work, even if the filename itself were safe, because the path could end up being unsafe:
C:\Documents and Settings\mylêss\My Documents\myfile.pgo

There might also be problems with, for example:

Although the filenames are safe, the path names are not.

One last thought, although I suspect you have already considered this:
What is the exact text you are trying to breakdown/lipsynch when the problem occurs? Are you cutting-and-pasting from a script text file?
Any non-ASCII characters in there (names of people and places are a common area where non-ASCII characters sneak in) are likely to cause problems too, not just in filenames.

Regards, Myles.

save .pgo file - OK !

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:46 am
by Dany
Hi myles,

Thanks ! It's ok !
I had a non-ASCII character in my .wav path.
I removed it and it works without problems !
Thank you for your help !

Have a nice week.
