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Show updated styles on all Layers/Flexi binding not working

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:44 pm
by Poptoogi
Hey all,

Since updating to AS 11 I noticed when I change a style on a layer is doesn't update on other layers in real time anymore. I have to actually click on the layer to update the colors which is a little annoying but I'm hoping it's an easy fix that I'm just missing. Also, I'm making a character creation tutorial and I was hoping to just flex binding which I've never gotten to work properly. I have always used point binding and smart bone actions to make my characters move. But for some reason, when I create multiple body parts, drop them into a bone layer and try to use flex binding it never works! I can draw one layer and add it to a bone layer and it works fine but multiple layers it seems busted. Any suggestions? Here is a video to show you what I mean. ... m.mp4?dl=0

Re: Show updated styles on all Layers/Flexi binding not work

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:50 pm
by synthsin75
For layer updating, try disabling GPU acceleration, if you have it enabled.

EDIT: Bone>Use all bones for flexibinding and Bone>Flexibind points should restore flexibinding.

Re: Show updated styles on all Layers/Flexi binding not work

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:20 pm
by Poptoogi
Thanks sythsin75!!! That did the trick! I think I'll do ol school point binding for my tutorial now because I want it to be useful people who have older versions of AS. I still need to figure out what I did to my model unable to function with flex binding but it will all work out in the end! Thank you for the super quick response and solution! Again, this is why this program is so awesome! The community support is insane!!!! :)

Re: Show updated styles on all Layers/Flexi binding not work

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:19 pm
by synthsin75
My guess is that maybe you did release points. Happy to help.