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Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:20 pm
by gtrad5349
I have been trying to import illustrator files and all colors are wrong. All lines and points are fine but no color or just two shades, usually dark. Also dont get layers imported as they are set out in illustrator. Does anyone know whether there is a fix for this? And why only able to import Illustrator 8 files???? Seems a bit strange that software that dated is the only version able to be imported?

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:29 pm
by slowtiger
Please see viewtopic.php?f=13&t=28471&p=161078&hil ... or#p161078.

You're much faster re-creating stuff in AS.

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:51 pm
by Víctor Paredes
Try exporting to SVG from Illustrator and then import that SVG in Anime Studio.

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:03 am
by gtrad5349
Thanks for the replies. A bit sad really.

Victor I have done as you suggested and it is the same problem. Everything imports OK as an SVG file except colors and layers. So do I have to re-color everything and layer everything within AS?

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:17 pm
by Víctor Paredes
gtrad5349 wrote:Thanks for the replies. A bit sad really.

Victor I have done as you suggested and it is the same problem. Everything imports OK as an SVG file except colors and layers. So do I have to re-color everything and layer everything within AS?
I'm sorry, Anime Studio doesn't support layers for SVG nor AI. SVG uses several different systems to define layers, depending of the software which is creating the file.
About the colors, there shouldn't be any problem, in theory. Could you send me the file you want to import to

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:27 pm
by wizaerd
Personally, I'd like to see much better importing capabilities in ASP in the near future. It's all well and good to say "it's quicker to re-create it in ASP", but that's only valid for artists. What about those who don't create the assets, but have to work with what they're given. Tracing isn't really a viable solution either. No, it'd be much better if ASP could once and for all import artwork from other vector applications, while maintaining colors, shapes, and layers...

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:24 pm
by wizaerd
I tried importing an SVG 1.1 file, exported from Illustrator 2015 CC, and it came in all black. I tried importing it as an Illustrator v8 file, and ASP complained about too many points and curves. I really wish Smith Micro would work on the import features...

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:18 am
by herbert123
I have long given up importing SVG or vector files into Anime Studio, unless they consist of very simple shapes (merely outlines). And even outlines are often imported with straight-cornered points, rather than smooth ones. AS also converts bezier curves to multi-point outlines which are much harder to edit than the original ones (AS introduces many additional points to recreate the rounded curves). Gradients are unsupported, as well as many other SVG features.

I just bring in higher resolution bitmap versions and parts, and animate with those. If required, I will redraw certain parts.

But in this day and age the vector import in AS is pretty sad compared to all the other design applications I work with. Vector exchange between design applications and AS really must be looked at. There is no reason NOT to have proper vector import - especially for an animation tool which prides itself on its vector animation tools.

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:40 pm
by banjar
herbert123 wrote:....But in this day and age the vector import in AS is pretty sad compared to all the other design applications I work with. Vector exchange between design applications and AS really must be looked at. There is no reason NOT to have proper vector import - especially for an animation tool which prides itself on its vector animation tools.
I agree. But perhaps there is a cost problem with the licensing of Abode formats, I don't know any other reason that would keep Smith Micro from upgrading to this ability for their fantastic animation software.

Although saving AI flattened files in version 8 or version 3 works okay for the line work and then coloring the vectors in AS, is okay. It is really a bummer to have to reassemble on layers and then arrange my flattened AI exploded views of my characters in AS rather than simply having the ability to import layered AI files. It would be so cool to bring in my AI art work already arranged in layers like I can with the layered Photoshop files.

I am coming back to AS after a long detour in Toon Boom. It is amazing to see the sophistication that this program has achieved. I no longer have any use for Toon Boom.

Re: Importing Illustrator Files

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:13 pm
by Greenlaw
FWIW, I usually find it's more efficient to convert the AI file to an appropriately sized bitmap and import that to ASP. The result with the bitmap can be more accurate too because bezier curves are altered when imported to ASP format.

For simpler images that need to be fully scaleable, I agree with Slow Tiger, it's probably faster to recreate the image using ASP's vector tools. In that case, I might still convert the AI file to a bitmap, import the bitmap, and trace over it in ASP.