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Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:56 pm
by drichird
I can hit up friends to do voices for my characters, but it would be convenient and probably more fun if there were some sort of Lost Marble voice actors group where members (for free) volunteered to do voices for other animators works. Pretty simple to pass .mp3 or .wav files back and forth, plus that would add another level of friendship and cooperation among Lost Marble animators, since animation can be a long, laborious, and sometimes lonely process. Does Lost Marble have any such group or would it be possible to form one? Just throwing the idea out there :-)

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:17 pm
by Danimal
People usually post requests for voices in the Animation Jobs section and get responses about a site where you can pay people to do the voices. I think a free Anime Studio pool of talent is a good idea. I've done voices for many projects and would be willing to be a part of this.

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:52 pm
by lwaxana
I like this idea, at least in theory. It's logical because many people here have mics and have done voice work in their own animation. And I've certainly heard voices in animation here that I thought would be great in my projects. But the pool of voice actors will probably be smaller than at the dedicated voice acting sites. And I imagine they'll be choosier about what they want to work on because they're not primarily here as voice actors. On the other hand, people might really enjoy being involved in different animation projects.

Are you thinking someone with an animation project would post in "Animation Jobs" with character and audition information and then people would send auditions? Or maybe people interested in voice acting would create demo reels of voices they can do? I wonder if there is interest to do something similar with music (theme songs, background music etc.).

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:01 am
by drichird
lwaxana wrote: Are you thinking someone with an animation project would post in "Animation Jobs" with character and audition information and then people would send auditions? Or maybe people interested in voice acting would create demo reels of voices they can do? I wonder if there is interest to do something similar with music (theme songs, background music etc.).
Exactly... Of course the forum moderators have the last say/word on how all this would work, but I hope it would all be volunteer based, just Lost Marble members helping each other, so I don't know if "Animation Jobs" is a good place? Maybe an addition to the forum index such as "Voice/Music Volunteers Offered/Needed". We all hope to make some money if possible from our final animations, but there's no harm in helping (for free) another Lost Marble member get their project finished? As far as auditioning, that could be required or not required by the animator. For example, I might post a snippet of an animation or a brief screenplay and say "Hey anyone got a spare minute to do one of these characters please animate the voice and I'll pick the one I like most". Also, animators can be very possessive (and rightly so) of their animations, so if the animator does not wish to credit any voices they could have that option (because the emphasis is on the animator and helping them complete their animation) but he/she would state that beforehand. Conversely, if someone puts a demo reel out there they could also say "For any project I am a voice actor in, I (always/sometimes/never) demand that my voice be given credit" . This would be for small projects where it only takes a few minutes to animate the voices.

I would like to add my name along with Danimal (and lwaxana ??) as willing to be part of such a group and help any way I can.

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:48 pm
by lwaxana
I'd probably volunteer once in a while if a project caught my eye and if I had time.

ETA: But I'd want to know the details of a project, like seeing the full script and some of the visual design.

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:23 pm
by Danimal
lwaxana wrote:ETA: But I'd want to know the details of a project, like seeing the full script and some of the visual design.
Yeah, this seems like it would be somewhat mandatory. "Here's your line, say it in a gruff voice" win't gonna cut it.

Also, call me snooty, but I would want to do more than one part in the cartoon. Give me a chance to showcase more than one character voice.

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:09 am
by CraftyGrafty
This sounds great! I'd love to be able to help out once I know I can do voice acting.

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:17 pm
by sargumphigaus
This sounds like a fantastic idea. I myself have done my fair share of voice work and have worked with a few people in studios. It's a long and arduous process to fight for quality voice work with the right people and right equipment, trust me, i'm going through it right now. But to have each other to draw talent from is an excellent way to strengthen the community of the forum, and form friendships with fellow animators. Why not follow through with this idea? We're all on the same path, we're all here to learn from and help each other.

I have a decent condenser mike, but that's about it. I use wrap a snuggy around my face and have it act as a pop filter haha. I also have a couple of strange voice impressions i could lend. In addition, I have an ever growing collection of sound effects and ambient noises that I'd be willing to share if that counts as well.

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:56 am
by drichird
In their May 27 post on the "share your work" EHEBrandon mentioned having trouble finding voice actors as did one of the replies...
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=26070 I mentioned this post. Maybe they can join in. I am almost finished with something that needs 2 or 3 male voices and 1 or 2 female so I will be hitting you all up for help.

Here is sample of my voice it's very ordinary though I can do a decent French. I'm just using my laptop built in mike but have a decent plugin mike somewhere.

Just throwin' it out I'm always happy to help with a voice if I can and if it's used I don't want my name on any credits, and I won't get hurt feelings if someone starts to use my voice then decide to go elsewhere and I won't bug you about "hey when are you going to use that voice clip I sent you" !!!! none of that stuff. I just want to be one more voice option for others to consider. We're here to help each other!

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:10 pm
by lwaxana
Nice sample! I'd like to make one too when I have time. Keep us posted on your project!

Re: Voice Actor Volunteer Group?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:22 pm
by jezjones29
Have you guys seen: ... -requests/
It may be worth seeing how they've set-up their forums.