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Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:38 am
by kphgraphics
When i click on a bone and try to move it with translate tool it does nothing on my screen, bone will not slide, rotate, or anything else. If i then click on manipulate bone it show bone has moved to where i translated it too, if i click back on translate tool bone goes back to original spot. so animation goes all crazy. Any idea's why?

Thanks Kevin ver. pro 9.5

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:13 am
by synthsin75
Sounds like you have used the offset bone tool. Select the bone with the offset bone tool and hit the reset button in the tool options.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:34 am
by kphgraphics
gave that a try no go, reset all bones, no matter what bone i click it does the same thing. I made this character in pro.7, loaded to pro.9 deleted all the bones and re rigged so i could use smart bones, i have been getting all kinds of weird stuff should i just re draw it in pro.9.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:47 am
by 3deeguy
I don't know if you have to redraw anything but when I knew I had to redraw my own work I took screenshots first. I saved screenshots of all my layers. Redrawing was my last resort and tracing my screenshots made things easier.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:06 am
by kphgraphics
3deeguy wrote:I don't know if you have to redraw anything but when I knew I had to redraw my own work I took screenshots first. I saved screenshots of all my layers. Redrawing was my last resort and tracing my screenshots made things easier.
Good idea this will make my redraw easier and fast since i have to do 5 poses total.


Here is the first draw of all 5, but have made a lot of changes since then.


Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:18 am
by synthsin75
kphgraphics wrote:gave that a try no go, reset all bones, no matter what bone i click it does the same thing. I made this character in pro.7, loaded to pro.9 deleted all the bones and re rigged so i could use smart bones, i have been getting all kinds of weird stuff should i just re draw it in pro.9.
No need to redraw. Since this came from v7, it could be a corrupted file. These can usually be saved, especially if it is just an odd glitch like this. Let me know if you need me to look at the file.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:02 am
by kphgraphics
Hey synthsin75 thanks for the offer, but since i just got 9.5 i don't mind doing them over to learn and getting the feel of this new version. I am one of the few who actually likes drawing in this program.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:37 pm
by synthsin75
kphgraphics wrote:Hey synthsin75 thanks for the offer, but since i just got 9.5 i don't mind doing them over to learn and getting the feel of this new version. I am one of the few who actually likes drawing in this program.
Good, we need as many people as we can get to help convert others to the AS drawing tools. Always glad to hear of someone else who enjoys using them.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:10 pm
by heyvern
I have a pile of old v7 files that I've opened in both 9 and 9.5. I haven't seen any weirdness like this.

If you are okay with it, It would be a big help if we could actually have access to the v7 file or the v9.5 file with the problems, so we could figure out what's going on for future reference. There have been a ton of changes since v7 but it still might be a simple fix if we can evaluate the actual problem.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:03 pm
by kphgraphics
heyvern wrote:I have a pile of old v7 files that I've opened in both 9 and 9.5. I haven't seen any weirdness like this.

If you are okay with it, It would be a big help if we could actually have access to the v7 file or the v9.5 file with the problems, so we could figure out what's going on for future reference. There have been a ton of changes since v7 but it still might be a simple fix if we can evaluate the actual problem.
Np i can send you and synthsin75 i copy of the file if you want it, but i have figured out from my other post about smart bones that it has something to do with using group layers. Once i loaded file into pro 9.5 i thought i would clean it up and put everything in to group folders. So i just went back loaded original pro 7 file, i did not add any group layers this time and was able to rig character with smart bones.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:07 pm
by synthsin75
kphgraphics wrote:Np i can send you and synthsin75 i copy of the file if you want it, but i have figured out from my other post about smart bones that it has something to do with using group layers. Once i loaded file into pro 9.5 i thought i would clean it up and put everything in to group folders. So i just went back loaded original pro 7 file, i did not add any group layers this time and was able to rig character with smart bones.
Yes, if you can PM me a link to the file (the problem one you added group layers to in 9.5), I think we can solve your problem from your other thread. I just cannot manage to duplicate the problem here, without knowing exactly what you have done in the file.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:47 am
by heyvern

I think I see. Opening an "old" file into 9.5 will not set use nested bones by default. If you put stuff into groups inside a bone layer then nested bones won't work until it's set in the bone layer settings. There may also be other "new features" not turned on by default for backwards compatibility of older versions.

If could be the unusual behavior of the translate bone was due to group layers being bound to bones instead of the parent bone layer moving the sub vector layer points.

I think you were on the right track putting layers into groups just make sure everything is bound correctly and that the bone layer is set up correctly.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:19 am
by synthsin75
That was my guess, Vern, but I wanted to verify it before giving anyone undue hope.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:10 pm
by heyvern
I just spent the last hour opening really old "moho" files in Anime Studio with little or no problems... I mean freaking moho files? That has to be v5 or v6 at least. Even all of the "old" shape effects still worked. ;) Most of the old layer scripts didn't work of course.

"Regrouping" layers in v9.5 from an older version will most likely give you unexpected results than starting from scratch in v9.5 but should not require "redoing" anything, only fixing the changes that result from new features being "turned off" or rebinding of layers and points possibly.

In my opinion this isn't a file corruption issue. If the file opens at all it's unlikely to be corrupted.

Re: Ok new problem with translate bone tool

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:10 am
by kphgraphics
Sent the file to both of you and yes i had turn on nested layer control. :D