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Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:59 am
by *E* ed Too 2
NOW For the *Hard-Part*

*** Imagination ***

" Having it, having one, having some.... Is Where I start with *all* of you. " { In doubt- is what I'm told - is .... a reality } > *** I don't think so ! ***."

I believe you having obtained either the debut and / or Pro version... to be proof... of this.

MINE ? HERE ON THIS FORUM.... runs along the following lines,

* Peter Pan here, being a base premise and most of you seeing yourselves as such.
ME ? well as one of the *lost boys* looking to find his *marbles* again.
HOOK ? Well I think..... * InfoCentral* ... has spent a lot of time here.... in that exact roll, AND~ REPEAT ~ AND... has / is doing a wonderful job of ... tickling this forum and *most* of the postings along. ((( Thanks... due, I think )))

1} 18000 is the most .. hits .. I've seen here, This suggests that this forum is not exactly a major player in either application or forum stakes.
2} The major hits after the above... is in the main... for more tutorials, ( and I/m not suggesting that those of you that have been so good as to have produced those that have been posted ... are in any way... falling short )
3} I like 2D animating AND AnimeStudio along with.... AND ~ to me most importantly * SmithMirco *, with their ... concern for Me and me~ both liking and using their apps, as evidenced in their *support - section*, mainly... the instant Chat... option. **** WONDERFUL ****


I have made a video with ...Help ???? Future Shape of AnimeStudio. 1 ... as title ( some views and opinions ) and have posted it to my channel.
BUT~ Since I believe i aught to be my harshist critic ~ I have not put a link to it here,
To 1} A need I feel, to find out just how many of you are *just* as concerned for that *Shape* as I am, AND~ the only way i can see to test that, is to *force-you* to look for it , and in doing so.... arrive at some sort of feel for both the numbers and interest... in both forum and application.
2} You will see also that I have posted a vid on how to post both picture and video to this forum, BUT~ In it you will see- that most forums are concerned by the size of both pictures and videos posted to them,
...... SO I HAVE, again~ in order to arrive at an answer from those that moderate this forum, again refrained from posting either picture or video.
3} I would however, like to do so AND~ would also suggest that both picture and video are very valuable visual aids AND~ having direct access to them *whilst-on the forum* ... be in the interest of both I, you the moderators and any other looking for * HELP~ advise and or Discussion here *

THAT'S ALL FOR .. this 1st start,
Please search, click and comment both here and upon *that-video*

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:28 pm
by ponysmasher
My curiosity got the better of me so I looked up your video and wow... Acid is one hell of a drug. :shock:

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:41 am
by *E* ed Too 2
Hello Again Forum,

Well that's been both a promising AND a terribly disappointing... 24 hour effort.

To the 15 that have responded by looking at that *sad-effort* of mine, .... thanks, ( and please- there is no acid-in that ) I am thank-full, and it is nice to know that even an *Idiot-such as I* can at least attempt to *look* @ both you and this forum.

Dissapointing- in the sense that- for some reason, you won't engage *with me* either on that video or here on this forum.
Your RIGHT- of course, and one that I would be the last to suggest be taken away from you or in fact disgarded ... by anyone.

Growth however, is what I percieve as ~ this and any other such forums... purpose in being, AND~ ACTIVE... criticism ... as I understand it, be a fundamental part of that.

SO~ In what I hope- will be seen as an effort to both understand you and my failing, would you please consider.... doing just that.

ON the chance that other *beginners* are also watching, could you also please link your efforts to that or those comments.

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:14 pm
by Lukas
1} Are you trying to make... ANY~ SENSE?
2} I am confused. ((( But maybe that's the... point )))
3} **** GOOD LUCK ****

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:27 pm
by *E* ed Too 2
Lukas wrote:1} Are you trying to make... ANY~ SENSE?
2} I am confused. ((( But maybe that's the... point )))
3} **** GOOD LUCK ****
Well Lukas.
*** But~ maybe that's the point ***

My intention was /is not to confuse you or anyone here, but to explore some of the confusion, I as an animator 'think' I am finding here on this forum. Difficult to do without pointing to them and / or those.... i think... are doing so.
BECAUSE~ I always seem to be taken as someone ' criticizing ' rather than exploring.

TO MAKE THAT even Clearer, I hope,
That~ to me- each and everyone is *unique*~ AND~ as such impossible to either speak with or understand from any other point of view.
Is that *to Criticize* is stupid. Until ~ it is seen as an effort to *discuss-Critically* AND~~BUT~ even more importantly, acknowledged as such.

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:13 pm
by sbtamu
This forum is about Anime Studio and how it works. If you have a questions about "art" please visit a site that applies to that.

Now If you have any questions about how to use the tools, binding points, any any other part of the software I will respond and try and help but I will not try and read through your long winded post that really ask nothing.

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:44 pm
by *E* ed Too 2
Hi Forum,

Do *all* of you feel the same way as ' Sbtamu '

AND~ if so ~ please explain the following, and ... to me ... and many of you.... a very interesting Post.

Re: Referencing for animation

Postby Barry Baker ยป Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:09 am
Every artist draws from life, and from existing art. Anyone who says it is more desirable to work without reference is a fool or, even worse, an arrogant fool. Art and civilisation develop precisely because people feed off others, and if we didn't then we would all still be running around eating fruit in an isolated valley in Ethiopia, or whatever it was that our early ancestors did to get by (maybe not such a bad thing for the planet, but that's a different matter...).

As far as animation is concerned, it's the result that counts. (Almost) anything that gets you to the result you want is good. If you want a realistic walk, the natural way is to study a person walking, and even trace them frame by frame. Why torment yourself by discarding the best materials out of some perceived taboo about what it means to be a "good" animator (ie. one who can conjure up any movement from his or her head alone)? I would agree that in normal circumstances, merely drawing over someone else's work without their knowledge is not to be encouraged, but look how Disney recycled their on animation over the years:

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:50 pm
by Lukas
I feel the same as Sbtamu.

The text you quoted makes a lot of sense and doesn't require any explanation.
Everything else you're saying~ *** does. ***

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:43 pm
by *E* ed Too 2
YES ~ I have been accused of over thinking things, so i suppose that will tend to make my posts.... a bit autodidactic, but then *self taught*... does tend draw out strange perspectives.

As for 'art'~ Do i really need to qoute from any and / or all of those that consider animation to be * AN ART *, and as such .... part and parcel to your, my and anyones approach to animation AND~ other animators.

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:39 am
by InfoCentral
*E* ed Too 2 wrote:YES ~ I have been accused of over thinking things
I find that difficult to believe.

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:23 am
by *E* ed Too 2
InfoCentral wrote:
*E* ed Too 2 wrote:YES ~ I have been accused of over thinking things
I find that difficult to believe.

ah~ Protagonist - nice to see up again.

As for difficult to believe, ... So do I >>when accused of it.
Also one of the reasons ... I'm very interested in the thinking ( & thoughts ) of you and other animators here, both debut and pro users.... that is .

OH YES~ and what about the rest of you.
Do you think it's possible to over think things, { & I don't mean go round and round with your thought, ( that's possible ) not do I mean disappear up your own funderment with your thoughts either, ( that I know too is possible ) ~ BUT~ to actually over think... anything ?

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:05 pm
by *E* ed Too 2
HELLO FORUM~ 48 Hours now since I've posted,

AND~ i must say that I'm very glad to see that more than just a few have bothered to click on that video.
Saddened~ too to see that few have gone the full length~ meat of matter being ~ NO Animator that i've ever spoken with or have heard has ever put .... the end to animation, proposition and or agruement ... at the beginning.... so too ... neither have I.

For you that consider me stupid, please understand... I'm not sure I can argue with you on that.
~ However, I have seen queries on this forum regarding -YouTube, amongst others and *it*, you tube that is.. is to me another vital tool to the animator, both hobbyist and professional. To me mainly because they provide stats on just how long a viewer viewed, AND~ that in it's way can & does in my case... give some indication on just how and possible where I am failing.

SO thank you for... * That *.

I also~ believe, that there are those here on this forum that have... come to a fuller understanding of just how to get the best out of you tube ?

* With that mind ~ How many of you... could do with a look @ *that*... from them.... as animators.

*E* ed Too 2

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:33 am
by chucky
Hey Ed,
glad to see your video, I hope it demonstrates your purpose to your detractors a little.

I understand ' mostly' ( must brush up on my Morse though), what you are communicating.
It is just awkward for most as ' surealinguism' is not a native tongue, short sweet ant to the point is the tea for the net.
I don't think many are sh*tting from any direction but sideways as they don't think they should have to unravel their information (fair enough).
Galleries are more where you expect this type language.
Who has time for poetic code anyway?
The typed responses without the video can come across as !crank like! and random , unless one wants to interpret the patterns.
I find it quite entertaining, even if I can't be bothered all the time.

Anyway the animation itself does express the areas you would like to see developed.
I notice you use some kind of performance based techniques, photographic material and compositing.
So I assume you would like some improvements with the capture system and maybe masking ?

I didn't see the entire video, flash crashed.
It's nice to see mysteries unfolding though.

Don't lose your 'Ed'

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:38 am
by InfoCentral
chucky wrote:Hey Ed,
glad to see your video, I hope it demonstrates your purpose to your detractors a little.
There you go Ed, you have one admirer. I OTOH am not.

Re: Help ??? Shape Future of Anime Studio & Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:32 am
by chucky
Admirer is rather a long bow, info, I am just not going to flame him for being a little off centre.
At least he is creative and made some animation just for the forum people , which takes effort.
It's not just an endless list of software and their prices.
Some people here have never posted even an image on this forum.
Now... that just might have been a flame... hehe. :twisted: :wink:

ANYway could we get back to the real topic everyone and just post about that?
A better colour picker is one of my favourite gripes.