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what do yo think

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:01 pm
by Dopey2
this is a short part of my animation
what do yo think

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:36 pm
by funksmaname
it's hard to know whether you want constructive criticism or just a 'well done' - but my two main criticisms would be 'flat' and 'floaty'

I would advise you try to get some volume into your drawings, the clock and the boy look quite flat (like cardboard cutouts you know?)

I would also think about the proportions of the room, the door makes the character look 3 inches tall :)

the actual movements are very 'unprecise' for want of a better word... the clock floats around when it rings, rather than vibrating. Also the snore 'whistle' sound should have a closed mouth not an open smiley one

Sorry if this isn't what you were expecting, but if you don't show with an open mind, you'll never learn and improve.

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:52 pm
by Dopey2
Thank you brother for this constructive criticism
With you as I said all right, but we put those details deliberately scattered on the cartoon that in this way
We work our stamp, but can you explain to me more and if possible give me lessons?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:23 am
by GCharb
I agree with funksmaname, it looks rather flat, but still, well done, as it is still entertaining.

I created a turnaround for my blog that shows perspective in a character, might give you an idea, there is also a thread on perspective I think, maybe the un-official forum, not sure.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:14 am
by Dopey2
can you explain more؟
If possible, give me some examples and lessons

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:19 pm
by cheyne
Hey Dopey2 - my suggestion for you if you want lessons and examples is basically this.

For examples watch LOTS of animation. Watch the masters, watch modern work, watch as much as you can. Learn by watching.

In regards to lessons, spend some time on Google and you will find a wealth of animation tutorials and information, not to mention in this very forum.

If you are serious about getting into animation, even as a hobby, pop down to your local library and borrow "Animators Survival Kit" by Richard Williams. If it helps you, buy it. It's a valuable resource.

You've got some crits and pointers here, but nobody without writing an essay could explain everything to you about your animation and how to do it. You need to practice and use references.

Yup, references are your best friend - Google "animated alarm clock" for starters :-D There must a ton of them from the ol' Disney days.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:36 pm
by Dopey2
But the problem is that I did not find links to download books or references
Even video tutorials
can you help

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:56 am
by cheyne
Dopey2 you aren't looking hard enough :) OR ... essons.htm OR

I'm not recommending these, I've never seen them, so I can't vouch for their quality, but these were the top three hits from going to Google and typing "animation tutorials".

Don't be lazy (I'm not grinding you) - you'll get more help from these forums if you actually have a go and put some work together from some to good to honest practice.

Try "free animation lessons" in Google - you can't honestly tell me you can't find ANYTHING! Type that into YouTube as well.

You won't find free books unless you go to illegitimate sources. Go to your library like I said, you'll find plenty of books, maybe even some DVDs - you know that a library is right? haha, I have to jest, it seems the younger generation rely on the internet too much :lol:

EDIT: went to your YouTube channel, one of your videos is titled in what I can guess is Arabic. Not to sound uncultured but you guys have libraries right? If not seriously, if you want to get into animation invest in "Animators Survival Kit" - get the DVDs if you prefer video tutorials.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:32 am
by Dopey2
You are the best
I was looking for, but my English a little weak because I am from Algeria, the second language is French, but you nonetheless read many books and watching many videos, but the links you gave me a very rare I do not think I've seen before
I believe that the research was not good because I search in Arabic and then began to search in French and then English, and the results started to find ... But in the Arab world I am the best in Anime Studio Pro so it's difficult for you to find lessons in the Arabic program
I, too, because I give them lessons
When the Google search out many results but for Flash or Toon Boom
About the library ... Of course we have many, but that does not exist in Algeria, many of these books because we do not much care about the animation only the minority do so we do not find so little of the drawing books
So we go to the Internet to find lessons
Prefer this Page My friend has a business to compete with Japanese Anime, but he used his hand moves the frame is any frame
This is one of his best work under the name of Palestine will win
I will work everything you have said to me, but certainly I need your help
Thank you

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:35 am
by Dopey2 ... re=related

This work is the best
It is the original work I've given you over the

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:56 am
by cheyne
OK if you are finding it difficult to find results using your native language, just search in English :-D Your English seems pretty good - try using Google Translate to assist you.

Seriously - look for a copy of Animators Survival Kit. Save your pennies, beg, scream at your parents just get your hands on a copy of that book - it will change your literally and "demystify" a lot of the animation process.

You need to PLAN your animations as well. Let's look at the clip you have posted.

1. You have a character who is walking. So you need a reference (a video of someone walking), or that and a combination of some tutorials. So research "walking animations" or in industry terms "walk cycles". There are at least a few good resources available, like so: ... oject.html

2. You have an alarm clock, an older style one. So what to do? Find pictures, read about how they work, search hard for some actual animations of that type of clock.

My final piece of advice for now is that you SERIOUSLY have to take some initiative and search on your own. It's really just lazy to just post in a forum and expect all this knowledge to be dumped here for you!

Good luck on you research and learning journey 8)

P.S. Your friend can animate right, Kolmanga - go ask them for some help! I'm sure they can give you some great pointers and direction. If they can't, are they really a friend? :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:20 am
by Dopey2
True ..... I used it so much when I speak now enabled there are difficult words you need translated
I think you are right in everything I said I have searched for that book I have a free copy of it is incomplete and Kha
I have another book called
Cartooning with the Simpsons

Timing For animation

I read now, but as I told you when you read something that is not your mother tongue it a little difficult
Ammmmmm true I have a defect in this animation I will try to repair
I am currently work on the clip animation frame after frame, and I very well apli
When the scanner will be repaired the entire image and give it to you in the form of animation Excellent
Thank you very much my brother
My friend is too busy running animation but it sends me back to the time tips

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:30 am
by Dopey2
Can you explain more

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:29 am
by bowen
Didn't understand much, but very informative thread!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:56 am
by Dopey2
that's right