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Hi, newbie here

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:31 pm
by Zaku
I don't know where to start, my apologies if this is the wrong place to do this.

But, Hi, I'm new here obviously and new to anime studio(and animation software itself). I've always been drawing, but now I want to animate.

I'd love to make new friends and stuff, hopefully I'll be in a position to share tips one day (as well as asking and reading some of the posts on this forum) :]

My name is Zaku (not my real name) and I'm a 19 year old male who goes to uni, though I am on a 4 month break.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:30 am
by DarthFurby
Hi Zaku, welcome to the boards. Hope you like it here.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:24 am
by GCharb
Hello Zaku!

We look forward in kicking you in the groin whenever you will ask a noob question! ;)

Only joking here, ask away, and we will help you get started with Anime Studio.

Word of advice though, go through the quickstart manual, will get you on the way quickly.

You can also search the forum, you will find ahuge amount of infos here as well, and of course you can ask the users! :)

In any case welcome, and have a good stay!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:55 am
by jahnocli
Dude -- you're a noob! Where's my paddle? Only kidding... Most people here are house-trained and fairly helpful, but as GCharb says, it helps if you read the manual first. Good luck!