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Hand Drawn Effect (animated noise)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:23 pm
by donnie
Hi guys.

I'm trying to create a kind of 'hand drawn look' by having the lines of characters 'boil' slightly to give that random effect.

Trouble is the 'animated noise' function doesn't work for me as it is just a bit too rapid when the frame rate is set to 25 fps.
I've tried it on 12 fps but I really need some of the animation to be 'on ones' so to speak (25 fps for pal).

So what I'm wondering is, is there any way to set the boil to be on 'twos' (12fps) even when the document is at 25 fps?

I thought I could perhaps add the noise myself by distorting the vectors on every character slightly differently in four or so different projects. Then comping together the various movies by offsetting on twos.

Trouble with this method is that it will still be a heck of a lot of work to go into each vector layer and alter the points (I have loads!).

Is there a way to globally check the 'line/fill noise' box to work on all vector layers (some sort of script perhaps?) or do I have to go into every single vector layer to do so?

Thanks loads for any help and Sorry if any of this is confusing!


Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:49 pm
by slowtiger
I had the same problem. One way to deal with it: render the scene as image sequence, then double the files which are on two's only, then rename the whole bunch.

Unfortunately there's no way to un-lock the boil from the fps. (Is it scriptable?)

Since there's no way to globally change settings to a lot of layers at once, I open the file (a copy!) in a text editor and search and replace the setting I want to change.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:35 pm
by donnie
Thanks SlowTiger, search and replace on the text file is a good idea.
Just out of interest what kind of settings change the scale and amp to?

the values (noise_amp 0.013889 and noise_scale 0.055556) don't mean a lot to me! do you just fiddle around with the values until you get something you like?

Also I'm not quite sure on your first solution where you say 'then double the files which are on two's only, then rename the whole bunch.'

Do you mean the 'frames' that are on twos only?
sorry I get confused easily!

Thanks very much for your suggestions.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:49 pm
by slowtiger
do you just fiddle around with the values until you get something you like?
Exactly. It's a bit easier to first create two layers with different settings, one of it you like, and then search for this in the file and get the numbers.

You're right, my explanation wasn't clear (and even wrong).

I want a scene of 50 frames length at 25 fps. I create that scene first only 25 frames long (set to 12 fps) and animate. I render the images. I get 25 numbered images which I duplicate so I have 50. They will now be named something like 001, 001-1, 002, 002-1 and so on. I use some renaming tool to get the correct sequence of 001, 002, 003 again.

Now I go back into my AS file. I stretch it to 50 frames length (using re-calculate keys) set to 25 fps. I render the few frames which need to be on one's as images and, after some checking, replace the ones in the existing folder with them.

A workflow like this asks for some planning and record-keeping on paper, but is worth the effort.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:06 pm
by donnie
I get you now!

thanks a lot Slow, those tips have really helped me out.

Some sort of variable rate setting on the animated noise function would be nice though.... and an internal way to globally affect the vector (and even settings on other) layers.