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Question about Anime Studio Standard

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:57 pm
by Yodaman
Hello everyone,

I've recently (just this last week) gotten a sudden urge to start animating in 2D. It's actually something I've wanted to do for a while, ever since I've started animating (in 3D) about two years ago.

Anyway, I have a question regarding Anime Studio Standard (the $50 USD version). I read on Wikipedia (which is why I'm asking here, lol) that you can't set a length for an animation, you have a maximum time limit. Is this true, or can you make an animation that's however long you want? I don't plan on making animations longer than 2-5 minutes though, so it's really no big deal. Just thought I'd ask to be sure.

The only main concern about Anime Studio Standard I have is being able to actually draw. I've messed around with Vector graphics a bit, but I've never designed a character. I'm willing to learn though. Does anyone know of any tutorials on how to build a character?

Thanks to any and all who respond!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:02 pm
by mkelley
There are some good tutorials out there about drawing characters -- I like the one on the Anime Studio site in particular (where the character is a roman guy with a sword).

In general even if you were doing an animation of only two or three minutes you would compose it of several scenes and then put it together in some other program (a video editor or post editor). While it's certainly possible to make really long scenes I wouldn't recommend this for any but the most rudimentary stories.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:39 am
by arthbard
The length limit on AS Standard is 3000 frames, so the maximum length in terms of actual time varies depending on the frame rate you choose to animate at. 3000 frames at 24 fps, for example, comes out to just under 3 minutes. At 30 fps, it's a bit over a minute and a half.

AS Pro has no such restriction, but, as mkelley says, conventional wisdom suggests that you compose your film of shorter scenes which you'd ultimately piece together in the video editor of your choice.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:53 am
by VĂ­ctor Paredes
I don't remember if I have ever used more than 2000 frames on a scene, so don't worry about that, if you prepare well your script and storyboard, there shouldn't be any problem.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:57 am
by Yodaman
OK, thanks for the replies guys!

I was thinking that I could work around any time limit by stitching it together in a different program (such as Sony Vegas Movie Studio).

I'm really excited about Anime Studio. I j ust have to get some funds in order before I purchase it, but once I do I'll be sure to look at that tutorial you mentioned, mkelley.

new AS user

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:46 pm
by toonertime
The best part about this program is this
cool forum with all the seasoned pros
who are willing to help with guidance!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:25 pm
by mkelley
You don't have $20?

Special offer

Not to put anyone down (because there are definitely poor people in the world) but usually anyone who has a computer can come up with a $20 (hey, just don't go see Watchman or the new Aliens movie).

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:32 pm
by human
I think calling it the "Full Version" will only lead to tears.

People will think they are getting the "full" feature list available only in the "Pro" version.


See? The tears have already started! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:02 pm
by mkelley
Yes, Human, I agree, but the poster said from the very beginning he was going to get the "standard" version, and needed $50. I was just pointing out that he could spend far less.

The Pro version doesn't actually add all that many other features, but what it does add is pretty significant. Then again, you can do an awful lot with the standard version -- actually, I can't think of anything you can't do in the standard version, although it may take more work (and often times young people have more time than money, as opposed to my generation, where the opposite is true).

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:01 pm
by TheChewanater
I have standard, and I don't have any problem with it. When I want to do 3d stuff, I use Blender or Wax, so I don't need that Pro feature.

By the way, are you Yodaman921 on Nystic?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:24 pm
by mkelley
It isn't 3D stuff that's primarily missing. Offhand I'd say the lack of actions is the biggest drawback of AS standard -- I couldn't live without them. Actions are a lot like any truly neat feature, though -- you don't miss what you don't have (once you've used them, though, you'd wonder how you ever got along without them).

And doing without onion skins would be tough -- I don't use them all the time but when you need them you *really* need them.

However -- if I were a kid again (and assuming computers were available then :>) and the difference was between me spending $20 I had and $200 I never would have, then by all means I'd get and use the standard edition and probably be very well satisfied with it.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:06 pm
by El Samo
Rats! Bought it a week ago for $40.

I don't know if it's a good idea to lower that much the price. Makes me think that a long, long time will pass to see an upgrade.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:36 pm
by InfoCentral
Or...a new version is just around the corner!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:57 am
by Yodaman
TheChewanater wrote:By the way, are you Yodaman921 on Nystic?
Sorry, I don't believe I am. I guess Yodaman is a lot more popular name than I thought. Lol. I have used the name 'Yodaman Jer' on other forums though, so if you ever see that name, then it's me. :D

Thank you all for your insight.


Thanks for telling me about the special deal!! I'll most definitely look into that.

I must admit, when I first joined this forum it didn't look like that much activity took place here. I'm glad I'm wrong!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:02 am
by El Samo
InfoCentral wrote:Or...a new version is just around the corner

InfoCentral is right. Besides, I'm still strugglin' with the tutorials, so I'm the voice least authorized to complain.

By the way... AS rocks! As is!