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The Animator's Survival Kit ... Internet Age

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 3:14 am
by sfb
After seeing it mentioned several times in the forums, I finally broke down and ordered the Richard Williams book from It was delivered today and I sat down to start through it after dinner tonight.

I highly recommend using Google and Youtube to suppliment the read. I've been here all night (a few hours now), and I'm only on page 30. BUT, I've watched A BUNCH of classic and innovative animation and learned a little about some of the personalities that shaped the art. Cool stuff!


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:13 am
by Rasheed
Perhaps you should also check out this thread over on the Animation Forum: Download the videos from YouTube and study the pencil tests frame by frame.

As usual, I was a bit skeptical at first (as you can read in the thread), but the fine animators over there convinced me there is great value in studying these pencil tests.