Cost of Anime Studio in Production


Moderators: Víctor Paredes, Belgarath, slowtiger

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Post by dm »

I believe that's what Slowtiger was suggesting a few posts ago. (edit): about using tracking/revision software.

There are a couple of effects houses I've worked at using Tactic. It has integration for Houdini and Maya. I doubt they have it integrated for Anime Studio or TVPaint. Houdini and Maya were also built with group use in mind (asset management-and library/sharing use). Even so, the way Harmony is integrated still works better. I don't doubt it would help though. There would still be 'working around' to do, which takes more time and effort on everyone's part.

It's that bit about working around and everyone's extra effort that ended up costing more. Which is why I started this topic in the first place.

I like "McAlternative". Available for a limited time only? I probably should have said it's a Brave New McWorld, shouldn't I? Incidentally, Brave New World is a book by Aldous Huxley that essentially has a happy/boring society because they're 'entertained'

-two posts since I started this.

ST: I think has stated it well

jw: I don't know how it would matter if you were subcontracting. Wouldn't you just deliver a final product, and maybe approval versions along the way? And if they needed management software, they'd probably want you using their system anyway. I don't know about that. I haven't really been in a situation that it would matter.

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