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Post by jwlane »

I put a montage of quick cuts together. This is the lead in to a longer reel. I hope the audio comes across OK on your computer. I went for more stereo separation, and the fullness went away. Plus, it's compressed as an upload. Plus, my piano teacher chased me away when I was little - I was that bad.
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Post by neeters_guy »

Wow, who's the beautiful woman at the beginning?

I'm a fan. :)
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Post by Joppa »

fantastic! I am realy impresst!
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Post by robj »

Great animation John. I really like the motion you achieve, and the clean approach you take to your execution. Only complaint (not really a complaint, but rather a request) was that it should have been longer ... I wanted to see more !

Seems like there are quite a few larger projects indicated in your reel. Please keep us posted about those, or if they are of finished projects, please link to those so we can see them in their entirety.

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run time

Post by jwlane »

Thank you, folks, for the positive reinforcement (B. F. Skinner might have had something).

Robj, this is just a lead in to a longer reel. The following segment is 5.5 minutes long for a combined run time of 6 minutes. Producers type people are so inundated with solicitations that I need this quick intro montage to try and get some attention, or that disc is out and in the garbage. If I can keep their attention for 30 seconds, they might watch the full scenes in next segment. Many producers or HR departments don't want a reel over 3 minutes, and the good stuff better be up front.

I'll reload this reel in a few days. A colleague suggested a modification that I feel is merited.

This clip is also at YouTube. Interestingly, Vimeo plays less than 1080 reels at better resolution than Youtube. YouTube plays 1080 smoother than Vimeo, but that may be because I need to make a PAL version for Vimeo. These aren't a big issue watching on a computer monitor, but a friend has a true HD TV. That's where I can see (as they say) worts and all.
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Hopefully the last version

Post by jwlane »

This version has been produced with the Rec.709 color space, for HDTV. I hope you're not too bored to look at this and give me more feedback. This may have valuable information for you too. The images were rendered as sequential PNG files, so that the 709 color space would stay attached. After Effects won't assign color space to Quicktime with my CS3 version. I added audio in Quicktime Pro. Also in QT Pro, color space was 709 to 709 and compression was Vimeo's recommended setting of H.264. There was a small adjustment adding color saturation to compensate for the loss that occurs during compression. Note: sRGB IEC61966 seems to be the color space of Anime Studio. I import that into After Effects and color correct.

How does it look? What can look OK on a calibrated computer monitor can look too dark on an HDTV, or a standard 'windows' computer. This is an attempt to fix that.
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Post by neeters_guy »

On my 21-inch lcd monitor at 1920x1080, it looks great. The framerate is choppy because my dsl is just so-so, but no banding and it's not dark. I can even see the rough pencil on the lion jumping scene.

I guess I'll need to read up on this Rec.709 now... :roll:
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Post by xothermik »

incredible artistic value j. seen ur work on the as6 cd and its really inspiring. any chance of tips for your shading techniques or even a tutorial? :cry: some look like mask layers over the characters right?
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