A Question about Shadow/Shading Layer effect and Render...

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Rai López
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A Question about Shadow/Shading Layer effect and Render...

Post by Rai López »

HI! When I use Expansion (in Shadow Effect) or Contraction (in Shading), even with low values like 4 or 6, the time render increaaase ENO :shock: ORMOUSLY... (specially when camera is near of the afected layer). Is this normal? I'm using this effect to get animable line width effects, but with a lot of layers and camera/layers movement near & rear the render becomes impossible... can I do something to avoid this? Will this feature improve in the future? I'd like to know because I must take decissions about how can I do my work, THANK YOU in advance!
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Post by nobudget »

Short answer; yes, this is normal.

Longer answer; I figure it's because shadow and shading have to render alpha information for calculating accurate transparency, that means analyzing the frame and that takes time.

I don't know how you want to animate your line effects but one thing I can think of instead of using the outline function use solid fills for outlines. So if you have a pink circle for a face add a slightly bigger black circle behind it as an outline. You can resize that over time. This applies to any shape. A solid filled shape with a bigger black copy behind it for an outline. That could work, depending on your character design.

Good luck,

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Rai López
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Post by Rai López »

THANK YOU! Your advices are welcome nobudget, but there was another important reasons (apart of animate line width) for that I must use Layer Shadow with Expansion, but I don't know how explain... Double shapes is a possiblity that I considered in the past, yes, but I don't like works in that way because the animation is complicated after (believe me) and working with Switch Layers Interpolation all the time (or almost), like I do, I must work only with the ESSENTIAL points (only). Maybe, if LM can't do something with this effects, the solution would be update my PC... Thankx again and *CIAO*