Export Problem

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Post by mkelley »

Yeah, but you didn't answer me -- what codec are you using for export?

(I realize my questions might have gotten lost in the OS digression).
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Post by chucky »

Yeah as Mkelley is suggesting it probably has something to do with codec.
Try a few others, uncompressed or switch to single frames or .mov.
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I'm Not Sure

Post by ngh903 »

I don't know! When I click export the export animation dialog box comes up. Then it skips the AVI video compression box and goes straight to the export progress box but the thing is nothing progresses. It just shows one of the scenes for a second then the box closes.
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Post by mkelley »

No, it doesn't. At least, not in the manner you are describing. You are eliminating some steps (like, when you put a file name in).

Tell us EXACTLY what you are doing -- what buttons you press, what you see on the screen as it progresses. Tell us what are your defaults for output file size and frame rate. We need complete information here.
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Post by chucky »

right , sounds like you do have a codec issue relating to the registry ( I'm pretty sure)So a repair is in order, you will need to clean the appropriate files try refreshing the files , a method that works for this is to use the klite codec pack which has a utility that does this. I know this sounds weird, give it a shot though , you won't need to actually install klite although it doesn't hurt and it's safe and free if you do a quick internet search.
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Re: I'm Not Sure

Post by synthsin75 »

ngh903 wrote:I don't know! When I click export the export animation dialog box comes up. Then it skips the AVI video compression box and goes straight to the export progress box but the thing is nothing progresses. It just shows one of the scenes for a second then the box closes.
I get this exact behavior if I have the first AVI open with WMP, but not all my media players do this. Basically you are trying to overwrite a file that is currently in use by another program. Perhaps you just need to change you media player or make sure that the file isn't open anywhere.

Some media players minimize to the task bar icons instead of closing, depending on their settings. You need to either rename the file so it doesn't overwrite the open one or make sure that the first one as been closed.

To test this:

Does it work immediately after a restart, but then not again?

Does it work if you name the AVI something else?

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Post by InfoCentral »

banjar wrote: Yeah, you're right. I've been using the Microsoft OS since DOS 3.0, so my opinion isn't based in any experience at all. My state-of-the-art Eagle PC running on two 5.5 inch floppies with about 512 k of memory and no HD, was the latest technology then, switching out floppies between program floppy and working floppy was nostalgic. Yeah, I have a lot of experience with MS beta releases disguised as market-ready products. That's my opinion about Vista whether you like it or not. And, O Mighty Computer Guru, I am always happy to share my opinion whether you like it or not.
Yeah, when I was growing up my next door neighbor was Fred Flintstone!
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Post by dueyftw »

ngh903 here is a suggestion. Their are two dll files in the AS program. My personal guess is that one of them is so that AS can render the output to a codec. Copy them and find two replacements form the internet. One of them might have been corrupted. But MAKE COPIES of your originals first. If this works cool, if not just put your old ones back.

On another note:
Yeah, when I was growing up my next door neighbor was Fred Flintstone!
I had a 8080 bug book, book I couldn't afford the money for a computer kit form Southwest Technologies.

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Post by ngh903 »

I fixed it (but with all of your help :D )

First off, sorry mkelly for my ignorance. I'm sort of a newbie. Your last post reminded me of the save dialog box.

And synthsin75 second test was all I needed to start using my brain. I needed to change the name of the file. I don't know why, but there is a file that had the same name as the file I was trying to export. I haven't located it though. :(
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Post by dueyftw »

If you have render say 'untitled' and have it now in a player, media, real or whatever, and you go to save a file with the same name at the same location, windows usually gripes at with a small window that says the file is in use. Normally you need to turn off the player and the file will overwrite the last one.

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Post by heyvern »

That use to happen all the time on the Mac version with .mov files. I could not export over top of the same file or AS would just choke and not do anything. It doesn't seem to happen any more.

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Post by chucky »

There are not many bugs in AS, well done for finding it.
I have to use TBS for work and the constant bugs are beyond comprehension, I also had some dodgy hardware which compounded these bugs tenfold and made for an unworkable combination and even though the IT techs were all screaming 'Vista' as I use the same OS and app at home, I knew it was ' something' else. It took months to get a new machine, now the bugs are showing up only as much as the others in my dep.
Bugs can be frustrating and challenge all logic, until they are recognised.
Hopefully someday soon a few people here might get the opportunity to BETA test AS6. 8)
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Post by mkelley »

chucky wrote: Hopefully someday soon a few people here might get the opportunity to BETA test AS6. 8)
Me! Me! Me! (Raising his hand)

Hey, I've beta tested for Adobe and Autodesk, and used to run the help desk for a large IT department. And I use AS about six hours a day. So I think I'm pretty well suited (if only Mike were listening :>)

Ron -- don't worry, I wasn't questioning your intelligence. It's just that in troubleshooting you need to be very very simplistic about the situation, because others who are following along can't look at your screen and assuming things just leads to other problems. Sometimes it's a PITA to have to explain every little keystroke and screen you see, but unless we have a remote desktop or some other device it's about the best that we can do. But good job finding the problem -- it might help others.
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Re: Export Problem

Post by kphgraphics »

ngh903 wrote:I'm trying to export an animation but it won't. I'm setting it to export to AVI movie and it goes to the little window that shows the export progress and the scene but it stays there and does nothing then closes and the novie isn't exported. I've been able to export one movie two days ago and I'm working on AS Pro if that has anything to do with it.
I have vista and xp on different pc, this happend to me only when i export to avi a second time and forgot to close the windows media player which was running the first export of the same file and name.
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