Masking explained... I hope!

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Post by Rasheed »

I hope that in a next version of Anime Studio Pro, you're able to modify the layer properties in software, instead of being hard-coded, as they are now.
  • vector layer -> 2D objects
  • image layer -> bitmap objects
  • 3D layer -> 3D objects
  • notes layer -> note objects
  • group layer -> layer container
    • bone layer -> layer container with skeleton properties
      • switch layer -> layer container with skeleton and layer switching properties
    • particle layer -> layer container with particle properties
You would need to define the user interface and layer behavior for any new layer properties, either in Lua, or as a plugin.

A 3D bone layer comes to mind. At moment, you must do your 3D animation outside ASP, and import the frames into ASP as 3D objects. I know Mike doesn't want a real 3D animation program, but, at this moment, combining 2D and 3D animation is a bit of pain in the behind. You can import 3D frames into ASP, but you can't export 2D vectors frames, to import those into a 3D animation program.
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Post by SjN »

Can somebody reupload the sample file please?
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Post by heyvern »

Sorry about the missing file. I will fix it when I get a chance. Stupid server got "changed" and doesn't recognize raw "anme" files so I have to zip it up and change the link.

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Post by heyvern »

The link is fixed now.

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Post by chucky »

I think the naming structure of layer types in the ui is fine.
What's wrong with it?
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Post by FloridaJo »

Okay, I understand the black/white alpha description and the adding and subtracting.

What is confusing for me is in the manual tutorial 2.6_2, it is a simple face with eyes and eyelids.

Okay, so the mask goes on first, saying hide every thing. Then the next layer down is the eyelid oval and then the eyes.

Why is it the eye's layer 'burns' up through the mask but not the eyelid oval?

Is the last layer in a mask group the only layer that determines what is 'white' or showing through?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by FloridaJo »

Thanks, that makes sense. :)
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Post by GCharb »

I made a video tutorial for my blog explaining the basics of masking, have a look, might explain a few things you are not quite sure of yet!
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Post by SpaceBoy64 »

The thing I find really confusing is the terminology and the layer order convention.

In most all other applications I'm used to (Photoshop, After Effects, Inkscape, Final Cut) layers can be imagined like actual layers of paper or celluloid stacked on top of each other. In fact, in all other ways, this is true for Anime Studio as well, but not for masking. :? In Anime Studio, a layer that is physically below another layer can be the "window" through which you can see the layer above it, or the object that blocks the view of the object above it. This is counter-intuitive to me. In my mind, a mask would be on top, covering up, or revealing the layer below.

The other thing that's confusing is the use of the group layer. Why does the group have settings for mask this layer, add to mask, subtract from mask? Is this for when a group is in a stack in another group?

It would be nice if we were allowed to look at the mask itself in another window, like in Photoshop when looking at an alpha channel. This would make masks much easier to figure out. Likewise, it would be nice to be able to load a grayscale image or movie and use that as a mask.
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Re: Masking explained... I hope!

Post by djwaterman »

I've been pushing myself back into using Anime Studio Pro after about a year, so I forgot just about everything. I'm currently building a character and using masks on the face. I read this thread and was alarmed to read that Group layers are really redundant and the we should all use Bone layers. But then I found that in version 9.5 you can change Group layers into Bone layers. Which has me wondering, what other changes were done to masking in version 10 or 11 that have made masking easier or less confusing?

I mean I can get things working, but only after trying out every single variation in multiple combinations.
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Re: Masking explained... I hope!

Post by synthsin75 »

10 added icons on the layers in the Layers window that show the masking operation, and you can left-click on a layer in a masking group to change its masking operation. Very helpful for experimenting (but you still have to remember to render to see the final result of complex masking).
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Re: Masking explained... I hope!

Post by haithannd »

Thank you so much for explanining so clearly about Masking in Moho, heyvern. This is really helpful to me.
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Re: Masking explained... I hope!

Post by rafael »

Something that helped me when coming to terms with Alpha Channels was the realization that the values in the image are being multiplied against the alpha.

So if you look at the image provided, we can see that when the yellow pixel with a value of "6" is multiplied against the same pixel in the alpha (star), which is a "1", the result is that the value stays a "6" or yellow. When the blue pixels (23) are multiplied against the same area in the alpha channel (0), the result is 0.

1 = Opaque
0 = Transparent

Keep in mind I'm simplifying this immensely for purposes of clarity. Every pixel actually has at least 3 values corresponding to their levels of Red, Green, and Blue.

I think the word "channel" also confuses people, so just to be clear, an Alpha can be any other image, or it can be a "channel" in the same image. What's a channel? Remember how I said every image has 3 values (RGB)? Each one of those is a "channel". There is a red channel (1), a blue channel (2), and a green channel (3).

There can also be a 4th channel, which is the alpha channel.

Image types that support over 3 channels = png, tif, exr, and others.
Image types that do not support over 3 channels = jpg, gif, and others.

So, you can have an alpha already "build into" your image (channel), or you can have a separate image you use as the alpha. Any image can be used as an alpha, because "using" it, is just multiplication.

Also, keep in mind that there are a lot of values between 0 and 1, which are grey. So if the white star had been grey, let's say with a value of 0.5, the resulting image would be semi-transparent.

When you make a shape in Moho, every pixel that makes up that shape has an alpha value of 1. Everything outside that shape has an alpha value of 0.

Anyway, hope that adds further clarification to this thread!

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